Monday, July 26, 2010

Warren Pollock Warns Of Emergency Drug Shortage As EMTs Told To Go To "Alternate Protocols"

Oh look something new to wonder or in this case worry about.
These are standard drugs used on a daily basis in emergency rooms also. This shortage has been going on for three months. I don't see this as being a cost cutting measure by the individual states, not with the FDA confirming the shortages.

ASHP Drug Product Shortages Management Resource Center

Warren Pollock reports on a rather troubling development which we can only attribute to various cost cutting measures by near-bankrupt states, as anything beyond that would be far too macabre even for us. It appears that "several drugs are in severe shortfall, drugs used to treat emergency patients that might be transported by ambulance to emergency rooms, the drugs include heart attack drugs, epinephrine, lidocain, as well as drugs used to treat shock and other conditions. These emergency care drugs are now in shortfall with alternate protocols going out to emergency services in various parts of the nation. This means that if you need emergency services, the drugs you rely upon to save your life may not be there." As WEP asks, "where have these drugs gone? It is unrealistic to suggest that a whole variety of emergency treatment drugs would go missing from the inventory all at the same time, and areas around the country all at the same time." Pollock highlights the states of TN, PA and CA may have already seen the incorporation of the "alternate protocol." Once again, we hope this is merely an interim shortage and not a widespread effort to impair the traditional operation of emergency technicians across the country.