Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Obama's Electronic Health Records Czar: HIV Status and Abortions Need Not be Included

None of this makes sense people. First we could opt out now you can't.
Now you can leave out abortion or HIV, which absolutely make no sense to me especially after you read what's required information.
And to save money the government is going to bonus out for the hospitals and Doctors who have the new system up and running by 2014. Yeah that makes alot of sense for a system that was designed to save money.
Did you ever ask yourself what the government doesn't reward or entice with incentives of some sort anymore, except for the tax payer that is.

Dr. David Blumenthal, the Obama administration's National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, said on Tuesday that patients can choose to omit procedures such as abortions and positive HIV tests from the electronic health records (EHR) that every American is supposed to have by 2014 under the terms of the economic stimulus law that President Barack Obama signed last year

HHS: Everyone Can Opt Out of Government-Mandated Electronic Health Records System
Monday, October 05, 2009

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says that everyone can opt out of having an electronic health record included in the federally mandated national electronic-health-record system created by the stimulus law enacted in February