Monday, December 14, 2009

OK's need for revenue advancement "Big Brother" style

State officials are looking at beefing up the state’s electronic insurance verification system by setting up cameras across the state to randomly record vehicle tags.

Cameras set up at about 200 locations along selected highways would focus in on a tag’s bar code — found at the bottom of each tag — and record it. Bar code scanners would match the tag numbers with a national database containing real-time vehicle insurance information.

Vehicle owners without valid insurance would be mailed a ticket.

"That’s a horrible idea,” said Rep. Mike Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City. "It’s Big Brother at its finest.”

The proposed automated enforcement would expand Oklahoma’s existing system, which went online in July. The system now checks only Oklahoma vehicles; checks are made only when a vehicle owner has an encounter with a law enforcement officer, such as a traffic stop or being in an accident

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