Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Had enough fraud America

The Federal Reserve be told that either IT cooperates in this matter and both disgorges its garbage on the balance sheet back to its originators, ceases all non-lending actions and opens its kimono here and forward or its charter will be revoked by Congress and The Fed's function will be subsumed by Treasury.

What I laid forth as my postulate has now been proved correct in the fullness of time.

Gee, Eliot Spitzer is back and says the same thing:

The appearance that this was all an inside job is overwhelming. AIG was nothing more than a conduit for huge capital flows to the same old suspects, with no reason or explanation. (No really? - me)

So here are several questions that should be answered, in public, under oath, to clear the air:

What was the precise conversation among Bernanke, Geithner, Paulson, and Blankfein that preceded the initial $80 billion grant?

Was it already known who the counterparties were and what the exposure was for each of the counterparties?

What did Goldman, and all the other counterparties, know about AIG's financial condition at the time they executed the swaps or other contracts? Had they done adequate due diligence to see whether they were buying real protection? And why shouldn't they bear a percentage of the risk of failure of their own counterparty?

What is the deeper relationship between Goldman and AIG? Didn't they almost merge a few years ago but did not because Goldman couldn't get its arms around the black box that is AIG? If that is true, why should Goldman get bailed out? After all, they should have known as well as anybody that a big part of AIG's business model was not to pay on insurance it had issued.

Why weren't the counterparties immediately and fully disclosed?

No kidding.
Cut the crap Mr. President, Mr. Geithner and Congress. You are lying and this entire "bonus" game is a smokescreen to try to divert attention from the real theft - nearly $100 billion dollars of taxpayer money that has gone to Goldman and other banks, including foreign banks, to pay off Credit Default Swaps written by AIG that were worthless as the company had no capital behind them. This in turn means that the accounting of these firms has in fact fraudulently overstated earnings - perhaps for years - and still is!

The Fed, OTS and OCC have and had jurisdiction over American banks that bought these products, and were clearly derelict in their duty to prevent these regulated entities from purchasing these CDS from a firm that was unable to prove capital adequacy to cover its bets.

The European regulators have similar jurisdiction over those institutions and similarly have been derelict in their duty.

What the hell are we doing bailing out FOREIGN REGULATORS AND GOVERNMENTS who were derelict in their duty with regards to the institutions under their control?

Finally, TurboTimmy, it is not acceptable for you to simply "deduct" the