Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mentally Disabled Chicago Teenager Gang-Raped In South Side Basement


This is the mentality of America!
Welcome to the new world order!

The nightmare began when the victim (FOX is not revealing her identity, or her mother's) momentarily left her Bronzeville apartment to take out the trash. She never came back; her mother found the trash on the ground in the alley less than ten minutes later.

Police say the teen's kidnappers took her to a little-used laundry room in the basement of a Washington Park apartment building, where she was forced to have sex with multiple men.

"You know what she told me? She said that it was 'a long line, mommy. It was a lot of people, a big, long line'," the victim's mother said.

"She said, 'Mommy, there were little boys and big men.'" Police say it was a gang rape that lasted nearly a day.

"She was bruised from head to toe. They hit her. She had big patches of her hair pulled out," her mother said, on the verge of tears.

"They couldn't hardly examine her because she was bleeding so bad and she was ripped so bad," her mother explained. An unknown man led her out of the basement, her mother said

Although the victim is 18-years-old, her mother said her mental disability means "she's actually the equivalent of 4 or 5 on a good day."

A young man named Jacque, also 17, was questioned by the police but not charged.

"I went down there. I didn't see what they were doing, but I knew," he explained, his words trailing off. He said he saw about six men in the basement with the girl, but he insisted, "I didn't partake in nothing." Still, he added, "I don't think she was raped because she let them do it. She wasn't screaming or nothing."

Philip Brown's mother agrees. "I don't think they raped her. I think it was her own free will to have sex with them."