Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Republicans have learned nothing


No the republicans haven't learned either Karl, but you did give me an idea worthy of pondering upon.
Perhaps it's time for "The People" to hire their own lobbyists and PR firm to get "OUR" message out.
We could have a "money bomb" like the one that supported Ron Paul for his run for the presidency to pay for them, and thanks to the supreme court's decision, "WE" now know that "WE" can actually be heard.
Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and "WE" are in one of those times.
"The Peoples Voice" demands to be heard and should never be stifled.

... from Massachusetts.

This will be their Waterloo:

Nine months after he penned a memo laying out the arguments for health care legislation's destruction, Republican message guru Frank Luntz has put together a playbook to help derail financial regulatory reform.

In a 17-page memo titled, "The Language of Financial Reform," Luntz urged opponents of reform to frame the final product as filled with bank bailouts, lobbyist loopholes, and additional layers of complicated government bureaucracy.

"If there is one thing we can all agree on, it's that the bad decisions and harmful policies by Washington bureaucrats that in many ways led to the economic crash must never be repeated," Luntz wrote. "This is your critical advantage. Washington's incompetence is the common ground on which you can build support."

Uh huh.

So the bad decisions and harmful practices of Washington bureaucrats were all Democrats?

I think not.

Bankruptcy "reform", that left the common man chained to his debts, while big banks and other corporations use the bankruptcy court as a "get out of debt free" pass issuance device? That was a Republican bill.

Removal of the leverage limits from the investment banks, without which the housing bubble would have been stopped dead in 2004? That was a Republican (Paulson) going to a Republican SEC.

A Department of Justice that sued states to prevent them from enforcing anti-predatory lending laws and those that curbed (or outright banned) stated income and other "liars" products? That was a Republican Administration that did that, at the direction of George W. Bush.

Let's not kid ourselves: The looting is bipartisan and so is the responsibility.

But "killing financial regulatory reform" is one of the dumbest things that The Republicans could ever do.