Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Omar Snaps at 'Appalling Question' Asking Her to Condemn Female Genital Mutilation

I've never heard her denounce it, and I still haven't.
She avoided the topic by showing her animosity that she's even been asked
And why does she always include the whole muslim community, when she's asked about her personal stance on a subject?
And why is Al-Qaeda, and Hamas always on her lips?

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Ill.) snapped at a progressive Muslim who asked her at a conference on Tuesday if she could make a public statement condemning female genital mutilation, calling the question "appalling" and "very frustrating."
"Should I make a schedule, like, does this need to be on repeat every 5 minutes? Should I be like, so, today I forgot to condemn Al-Qaeda, so here's the Al-Qaeda one. Today I forgot to condemn FGM so here it goes. Today I forgot to condemn Hamas so here it goes. You know, I mean, it is a very frustrating question that comes up. You can look up my record. I've voted for bills doing exactly what you are asking me to do. I've put out statements upon statements," Omar said at the Muslim Caucus Education Collective's 2019 Conference.