The Justice Department warned former special counsel Robert Mueller on Monday not to stray beyond the four corners of his already-released report when he comes to Capitol Hill this week to testify.
Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer, in a letter to Mr. Mueller, said that means any decisions Mr. Mueller made, or information he uncovered, that he didn’t include in his report will be out of bounds for the hearing.
The department also has a longstanding practice of not talking about people who were investigated but not charged, Mr. Weinsheimer said.
He urged Mr. Mueller to stick to his promise, made in late May, that if he were to be called to testify, he wouldn’t have anything to say beyond what was in his report, which has been released in somewhat redacted form.
In that report Mr. Mueller concluded there was not sufficient evidence to find President Trump conspired with Russia to subvert the 2016 election.