Thursday, November 4, 2010

U.K.'s Cameron, Pinching Pennies, Goes Commercial

Um hey David,
Could you possibly explain to "OUR" President the benefits of cutting back?

People this is the British Prime Minister, and he took a commercial flight.
Nancy Pelosi doesn't even do that and all she is, is Speaker of the House.
"OUR" royalty has got to go!
And David Cameron proves they no longer need to be treated like royalty.
That whole gig is a bullshit waste of money and "WE" don't have it to give anymore.

U.S. politicians may dream of one day sinking into the presidential bed aboard Air Force One. David Cameron, returning last night from his first trip to the U.S. as British prime minister, took a business-class seat on board a scheduled British Airways flight.

Cameron, trying to cut Britain’s deficit, its largest since World War II, is scaling back on the chartered jets his predecessors used for overseas travel and told his staff to book him on regular flights. Yesterday he traveled to New York from Washington on Amtrak’s Acela train.

“We have got a lot of money to save,” the prime minister told ABC News July 20. “We’ve got a very big budget deficit, so we can’t go spending money on executive planes, sadly.”