Friday, November 12, 2010

41 facts about the history of the FED

You know what they say – those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Well my friends…then we are doomed.
41 very important points of history condensed shows you who lead us right down this primrose lined garden path that “WE” once again find ourselves walking upon.
In other words in the combination of the child’s game we’re all being forced into playing by Ben (and I do mean child’s) of “ Simple Simon Follows the Leader of the Fed “, has been played over and over through out history and always has the same end result.
Simple Simon gets screwed.
And if you haven’t figured it out yet
Your Simple Simon!
But you don’t have to be.
Because they hold no power at all, if you refuse to play the game.
They are only as powerful, as you allow them, to think they are.
The FED only lives because you pay your bills.
If you only paid for your lights, water, phone, and food the FED and the investment banks would soon die.
Your life sucks because of their need to survive by leeching interest off of you. Without it they die.
They don’t care if you die or your country dies, there is always another host to feed off of.
It’s time for the parasitic tapeworm that’s been buried in the bowels of this country for centuries to be finally flushed.
Sometimes you have to hurt the host to get rid of the parasite.
But the end result of a healthy future, is well worth the annoyances of the procedure.

Source: The American Dream
Today, most American students don’t even understand what a central bank is, much less that the battle over central banks is one of the most important themes in U.S. history. The truth is that our nation was birthed in the midst of a conflict over taxation and the control of our money. Central banking has played a key role in nearly all of the wars that America has fought. Presidents that resisted the central bankers were shot, while others shamefully caved in to their demands. Our current central bank is called the Federal Reserve and it is about as “federal” as Federal Express is.