Friday, September 26, 2008

Five Things you need to know

Like we didn't know Silicon alley was giving out a bogus award
When we found this guys name missing off "The List"
Because nobody does it better
Heeeeeeeeres Kevin!

The Shipping Container Threat... Paulson, on Bended Knee, Begs for a Bailout... The Infinite Monkey Theorem Moment... Bailout Doomed to Failure... A Nixonian Moment

- Sep. 24,

See? Now, that, my friend, is how you pass a Bailout Bill. None of this amateurish stammering from people wearing red neckties warning about some vaguely apocalyptic economic disaster. No, just a carefully crafted, fixed and meditative headline: Shipping Containers Could Be "Dream" Homes for Thousands.

People don't physically hear politicians who speak in broad calamitous generalities for the same reason they don't duct tape their windows shut every time the theme song to the nightly news comes on. But when big time news outfits like CNN begin pumping out headlines warning that thousands of people are going to be forced to live in filthy shipping containers... and that not only are they going to be living in them, but that they are going to come to think of those shipping containers as Dream Homes... well, creeping Jesus, give me that bailout bill and a pen. Hurry! We have to pass this thing RIGHT NOW before we wind up packed in shipping containers like Eastern European prostitutes.