Friday, September 26, 2008

According to Bush

Well now
What's that you say Bush
It's all the forigner fault?
Isn't that who Hanks courting?
To invest back in?

PARIS: Trans-Atlantic sniping over the global financial crisis intensified Thursday after President Bush cited an influx of foreign money into the United States as one of the root causes of the credit crunch.

Peer Steinbrück, the German finance minister, countered in a speech in Berlin that the conditions that gave rise to the current turmoil in the markets were allowed to develop because of a reckless pursuit of short-term profit and huge bonuses in "Anglo-Saxon" financial centers — along with a lack of political backbone to stand up to what he characterized as bankers' greed.

"Investment bankers and politicians in New York, Washington and London were not willing to give these up," he said. "The financial market crisis is above all an American problem"