Monday, September 29, 2008

What a trip today
Congress grew some nutz
Or maybe ears
It's not a happy day though
This is going to hurt us all and we know it
But we also choose it
Which is better than having it crammed down our throats
Somebody had to say enough was enough
I mean how much corruption can you over look
It's become such a way of life
They don't even hide it any more
I'd rather die than take that kind of garbage
At least I can look my kids in the face and say I tried
I just didn't roll over and play dead and pretend it wasn't happening
All those people that voted yea on the bailout
Are the very same people that voted no on HR-7174
Money for the First Responders
I don't know why I ever thought it could be any different for them
Than it is for the Vets
Because it never will be with corrupt bastards in office
The people that really deserve to get something from this country get nothing
but experimented on and lied to about what's really wrong with them