Thursday, May 2, 2019

Allied leaders were anti-Nazi, but not anti-racist. We’re now paying the price for their failure.

How pompous the youth of today, are over their superior knowledge, to the likes of Churchill and Roosevelt had.
Perhaps if they took the time, to understand that wealth of information came from 70 years of after thought, all placed neatly in a library for them to learn from, they would thank those historians rather than to consider their country a failure and it's leaders inept.

Didn’t we already fight — and win — this war?
Well, not exactly. Because while Allied countries opposed the Nazis and Allied troops defeated them, the leaders of the United States and Britain rarely attacked the core tenet of Nazism: the belief in a master race.

In my World War II class recently, I had my students pore through the speeches and letters of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from the years around the war’s start in 1939, searching for his basis for opposing the Nazis. They found Churchill wanted to stand up to the Nazis’ expansionism, fight their anti-democracy posture and resist what he called (but largely left undefined) their anti-Christianity. What he did not do, however, was call for the destruction of the essence of Nazism: race supremacy.