George Orwell once said: In a universe designed by deceit, The truth is an act of Revolution
Thursday, May 2, 2019
A Look Into The Eyes Of Madness: Colleges Today Creating A Generation Of Mentally Ill, Easily Triggered, Snowflakes
The image above is a screen shot from a Steven Crowder video, taken during one his "Change My Mind" events, where he sets up a table and sits down with random people that line up to speak with him, states his position and says "change my mind." The discussions are generally civil, just a respectful debate he then posts to his YouTube channel.
Of course there are always those that want to protest his events because they don't like his opinion, which usually leans conservative and they certainly don't want to see any type of true debate and dialogue if it doesn't match their own opinions.
As you will see in the video below titled "Crazy MAGA-Hat Stealing Protester Shut Down by Cops!," Crowder was having a discussion with a student at UT Austin campus, and the girl pictured above joins the crowd surrounding Crowder and the person he is debating, when she notices another student wearing a red Make America Great Again hat, and with police officers right there, decides she has the right to try to rip the hat off the guy's head.
Watch the video below, Crowder shows this scene more than once..... note her crazed eyes.