9/11 has kept the United States under a state of emergency for the last 10 years. Are "We" to have forever given up a vast amount of our freedoms, like Lublin has stunted their own economic growth, over a past event, in time?
And if that is the case, then why was the mass that was left of the Towers after they came down, so quickly hauled away, to make way for the New Freedom Tower? Why was it not left as a reminder?
Authorities in an eastern Polish city are trying to stop a funeral company from building a crematorium in the same neighborhood as the former German Nazi death camp of Majdanek.
Krzysztof Zuk, mayor of the city of Lublin, and authorities overseeing the Majdanek memorial site, which includes a museum, want the company to find a different location for its crematorium
Where would that be? In the middle of town?
Majdanek was on the outskirts of town, with good reason.
The company, Styks, plans to build the city's first crematorium on its existing premises, which are located 300 meters (yards) from Majdanek on the city border. Zuk is seeking to establish a protective zone around Majdanek.
Did anybody not think, that the reality of the smell could actually enhance the understanding of the experience?
Uncouth Yes, but yet another truth untold
As is this from wikipedia, under Majdanek.
"Due to the camp's proximity to Lublin, prisoners were able to communicate with the outside world through letters smuggled out by civilian workers who entered the camp.[8] Many of these surviving letters have been donated by their recipients to the camp museum.[8] In 2008 the museum held a special exhibition displaying a selection of those letters.[8]
From February 1943 onwards the Germans allowed the Polish Red Cross and Central Welfare Council to bring in food for the prisoners to the camp.[8] Prisoners could also receive food packages via the Polish Red Cross addressed to them by name. The Majdanek Museum archives document 10,300 prisoners that received such packages."[9]
The world has been emotionally raped, at every afforded opportunity to it's avail by Israel. We have never been told the full truth with actual, living color, detail. Our perceptions have been colored for us, or in this case not colored at all, and are always given to us, in the stance of that, of the "emo-child", who knows only of the woe of the world. That the persecution of the burden, still lies heavy upon their own physical body to this day. It all being nothing more at this time though than a psychological guilt trip in order to control. And control they have, according to this article.
How long must we be reminded of the savagery that was inflicted upon them and yet watch and allow them to commit the same savagery on another people?
How long before "We" say.....No more. We have mourned long enough, and the guilt trip, don't work,.... no more
For the sake of our Freedom as well as our future
Several Polish groups devoted to remembering World War II victims and the U.S.-based Anti-Defamation League say building a contemporary crematorium so close to Majdanek would be disrespectful to its victims.