Friday, December 3, 2010

More BOA Attention (Of The Unwanted Sort)

And the pooling and servicing agreement, which the borrower's counsel asked to have produced (to prove that all of the other things done were on the "up and up" was allegedly produced in court unexecuted and with the word "DRAFT" emblazoned over the top of it, after an attempt to find it on the SEC's EDGAR website proved fruitless.

DeMartini’s statements also place Bank of America’s outside auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, in a tough spot. The firm has no choice now under U.S. auditing standards but to find out definitively if what DeMartini said is correct, and whether the answer would affect any of its prior audit conclusions. PwC billed Bank of America $128 million for its audit and other services last year. The mortgage at issue in the court ruling was originated in 2006 by Countrywide Financial, which Bank of America bought in 2008.

Auditors have never mattered since ENRON. In fact, basically all of them involved in auditing the financials of banks should be strung up by their nuts by now. How you can possibly argue that an audit opinion has merit after the disclosure of The Fed haircuts on the so-called "assets" pledged for TAF and similar programs at this point is beyond the pale. That is, we now know that banks came to these programs and pledged assets with ten times or more the face value of what they "borrowed" - but then when these loans were repaid those worthless assets (in the opinion of the NY Fed desk) were never recognized at that valuation by anyone ever again. In fact, they're probably still sitting on bank balance sheets - at 95 or even 100 cents on the dollar.

This much I can tell you with certainty - whatever collateral was pledged on 1/21/2009 in the "face" amount of $185 billion for a $15 billion loan was never exposed in a 10K or 10Q as having taken a loss of more than 90%.

Such a loss would have resulted in in the instantaneous detonation of Bank of America. Indeed, that loss is more than half of the firm's enterprise value as of today and exceeds the company's market cap.

That is, it was more than enough to blow them to Mars - and that was one transaction.

While some of those loans were clearly rollovers of earlier ones, and thus the "9 trillion" bandied about is a histrionic distortion (typical of many people in the media and Congress) the fact remains that these programs disclose monstrous hidden losses in the form of worthless collateral that was posted by these institutions and which then disappeared once again into their bowels and has not been seen since.