Wednesday, October 20, 2010

To The Tea Party: Go Screw Yourself

I was for the Tea Party to a few years back.
The original concept of the Tea Party was to get back to running the country by the standards the Constitution set, rather than by the political flavor of the day.
The concept of the Tea Party was such a big hit with "the people"
that it to had to be infiltrated by the politically corrupt as their own ideals.
Now it's nothing more than a bogus front for the same ole same ole.
I'm like Karl, I'm going for the write in on the ballot
If I'm going to shine a light on someone, it's going to at least be directed at the head guy, rather than one of his lowly minions.
The "Devil" gets his due, rather than one of his piss-ant wannabees.
Because a Spade is always a Spade, and should be called as such!

Let's look at their mission statement:

•Fiscal Responsibility
•Constitutionally Limited Government
•Free Markets

Then look at what's over at TeaParty.Org: you'll find the usual pablum. Guns, gays, God.

Heh, I like talking about Guns, Gays and God too. Let's talk about all of them within the context of The Constitution, which is what the Tea Party was supposed to be about.