The Hollie Greig case finally gets a break, but it's not enough.
Elish Angelioni covered up for some very high level pedophiles in the city of Aberdeen. Holly was not the only child these people used.
The most disgusting part of this case is that Social Services and the police were also involved.
People need to be arrested and prosecuted for the crimes committed against these children.
And Holly deserves some justice, because Justice sure did not serve Holly well.
Elish Angelioni, the Lord Advocate of Scotland, has just resigned. A result of her violent suppression of the Hollie Greig story. Hollie, you might recall, was sexually abused by high level pedophiles in the city of Aberdeen. Hollie has Downs Syndrome and reported the abuse to her mother, who went to the police.
Elish Angelioni was the solicitor general for the city of Aberdeen. She appears to have thrawted justice for Hollie by numerous illegal activities including: