A hard decision has to be made kids, it's impossible to keep extending unemployment and COBRA payments forever.
The system setup wasn't designed for it.
The honest truth is, people will suffer, but a rational decision on their cut off must be made, "WE" can no longer sustain the drain.
The ink is barely dry on the pay-as-you-go law, and Democrats are seeking to bypass it to enact parts of their job-creation agenda.
Democratic leaders said extensions of unemployment insurance and COBRA healthcare benefits should be emergency spending that isn’t subject to the pay-as-you-go statute, which requires new non-discretionary spending to be offset with spending cuts or tax increases.
With current extensions of unemployment and COBRA benefits set to expire at the end of the month and the jobless rate still near 10 percent, Democratic lawmakers want to pass the extensions quickly, without having to find offsets for the costs.