It's time to get involved people, coz this one ain't going away and is coming to a head
Code Red in effect now - martial law
Few choices will be allowed to citizens in the present Code Red Emergency, according to Barbara Loe Fisher, President National Vaccine Information Center. (video)
Massachusetts legislators have already passed pandemic influenza legislation legalizing entering homes without consent of occupants, quarantining without consent and abandoning free assembly of citizens.
The National Vaccine Information Center public vaccine education and advocacy watchdog, urges everyone to rapidly become informed about H1N1 ‘swine’ flu, vaccines and rights on freedom of choice, and to act upon them:
"As Dept of Homeland Security Officials are declaring that ‘any’ disease outbreak is a matter of ‘Homeland Security,’
As Dept of Defense are defining public demonstrations as ‘low-level terrorism,’
As plans are being made to designate 'selected US airports as quarantine centers through which all airplanes would be Re-routed for passenger health inspection;’
And as fast-tracked ‘experimental’ pandemic flu vaccines are being created to be given first to American children in schools:
It is time for all of us, whether public health doctors or ordinary citizens trying to protect our health; it is up to all of us to act in responsible and rational ways.” (Barbara Loe Fisher, 2009)
Mass public education about mass vaccination planned
Yesterday, Dr. Sherav agreed with knowledgeable ethical doctors globally: the "vaccine can absolutely spread the H1N1 ‘swine flu.'” (KPFK Sherry Beal radio interview, “Healthy Planet Healthy Me, August 21, 2009) (audio)
“This is no time to be a spectator, nor to hide in fear, and there's no sense in waiting until the worst possible scenario happens,” writes citizen action group, Vaccine Resistance Movement