Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bagram detainees allege abuse by US soldiers

Well it would seem lightening strikes twice. Lets all remember Abu Ghraib
and all the liberties that were taken there.
You know how bad it was just for the simple fact they won't release the pictures.

More than 20 former prisoners at a US detention centre in Afghanistan have alleged they were beaten, deprived of sleep and threatened with dogs, according to a BBC report.

The BBC interviewed 27 people who were held at the Bagram military base between 2002 and 2008. None of them was ever charged or tried.

The former inmates made repeated allegations of ill-treatment, saying they were subjected to physical abuse, excessive temperatures and loud noise, forced into stress positions and ordered to undress in front of female soldiers. Four detainees claim they were threatened with death at gunpoint.

"They did things that you would not do against animals, let alone to humans," said one inmate. "They poured cold water on you in winter and hot water in summer. They used dogs against us. They put a pistol or a gun to your head and threatened you with death. They put some kind of medicine in the juice or water to make you sleepless and then they would interrogate you."

The BBC's allegations were put to the Pentagon, which denied them and insisted that all Bagram inmates were treated humanely.

Lieutenant Colonel Mark Wright, a spokesman for the US secretary of defence, said conditions on the base met