Some how the bogus Financial district has come to lead this country
And straight into the ground they did because they got drunk
And when you start looking at the where an when all of the particulars started coming down
You will see why 9/11 was an inside job
And just who pulled it off and why!
Israel is found in every situation
And Sarah Palen is their friend
And so is Barack Obama!
How anybody could think the sharing of bank and oil executives with federal government leadership as a move toward progress on the evolution chart, that is moronic. Surely, it is about political power and corruption. The military budget is sacred, and private contractor deals are made without bids. Now five to six energy giants will hog all Iraqi oil service contracts. The terrorism topic is untouchable for dispute. A Coup d'Etat is in progress as the Wall Street conmen and fraud kings have taken implicit control of the USGovt. This will be recognized in time, even while resistance is evident. To me the ongoing drama smacks of a comedy of corruption. US citizens are in shock & awe, while foreigners are aghast in disgust.
Hidden in the bowels of the Lehman Brothers failure cleanup process was a convenient provision. The JPMorgan firm was given $138 billion to settle 'private accounts' in what seems like a clear case of corruption, a handout of counterfeit money, enabling JPMorgan to reload for costly credit default swap losses or for costly gold suppression games, or both. Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch have succeeded in converting to private banks, just in time to benefit from the trough devised to benefit banks. Is there a secondary benefit of averting legal liability for bond fraud, since now a new financial firm? These are two more egregious examples of the deep collusion in the Fascist Business Model, a theme that has reached climax proportions. The Securities & Exchange Commission, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, the Debt Ratings Agencies, the military contractors, and