Friday, September 26, 2008

Sharin a goof thing

Now is the time for Change
Later is a little to late
Bail out "The People"
Not corporate America!

Americans demanded 'Change' and now we're looking at what some were thinking about when they used that term. The one thing that the changelings didn't count on was that they would be unmasked before the entire world.

With this charade unraveling faster than a card-shark can palm an Ace; the road-show in Washington has been reduced to shadowy haggling, not unlike the money-changers of old. Of course the difference this time is that the "Temple" is the people's house; and the money-changers are supposedly the servants of the people: And this entire "BAILOUT" is nothing more than a day-light attempted-robbery gone very, very bad!

Do you still want "Change," or might you be willing to settle for returning to the rule of law, maybe even reinstating the Constitution-now there's an idea!