Friday, September 26, 2008

Ploughing the crops under

Smart man
The people will starve to death from Hanks' plan
Because it only thinks about Hank and friends
But as you can see
"The People" have to come before Hank and friends
Or Hank and friends don't live
Because their is no purpose for them If we can't afford things now
From to much interest on finance, what makes you think "WE"
Who it takes for you to run and have a purpose can afford them at an even higher price than they are now.
Elementary dear Watson
Their plan is no fix, it's a massive failure!
It must be about the people and a fix for our future generations
The buck stops here
If you pay off all the small debt "The People" carry individually
it would re-liquidize the system and we'd be rolling again
There would be a need