Friday, September 26, 2008

Dem proposal

Another bogus bull shit waste of money
Pay the little people debt off
Instead of making more welfare systems
What a bunch of stupid assholes!
Like Mainstreet can survive on welfare plan!
They still just want to control
Instead of "The Peoples" freedom!

-- Senate Democrats proposed a $56 billion economic stimulus package that would increase government spending on unemployment benefits, food stamps, infrastructure projects, aid to state governments and heating aid to the poor.

Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said today that the legislation is needed to help millions of Americans struggling with the slow economy.

``We must not forget Main Street as we work to address the crisis on Wall Street,'' he said, adding that the plan would ``create hundreds of thousands of good-paying American jobs and prevent cuts in critical services for millions of Americans.''

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, said lawmakers in her chamber will probably vote tomorrow on their own separate stimulus package.

The idea has received a cool reception from Republicans