Friday, September 26, 2008

another bailout

You see there is no end to bailouts
So give them to the people
So there is again a need
Other wise it's just an expensive joke
With out a chance in hell to succeed

Jerry Howard, CEO of the National Association of Home Builders, said the Wall Street bailout is crucial, even though he doesn't believe it will solve the credit crunch that was hitting his members before the crisis started.

For this reason, Howard said as soon as Congress returns to work from its upcoming recess, his trade group will be asking for another package of between $40 billion and $90 billion directed towards the housing market.

And even if the bailout package is passed and banks start lending again, the events of the past few weeks could batter already "abysmal" consumer confidence, said Keith Hembre, chief economist with First American Funds.

Hembre said worries about the economy, falling home and stock prices and the weakening