I found it unbelievable, that they would allow an invited speaker to be disrespected that way
I couldn't even hear his presentation enough to understand what his theory was even about.
We're here We're queer Get used to it.
What was I supposed to get used to.
Don't think I'm making light of the plight that gay people go because I'm not.
But the ladies that shut down this speaker did not one thing to help their cause except
to draw negative attention to themselves.
It seemed to me that they wanted to closet the speaker. Rather than wait until the question and answer period to ensue a healthy debate about their differing views of his presentation,
They chose to deny the audience both sides of the view point.
When the speaker finally left, after being asked to by the school for his own safety sake, one of the ladies then stood up and made the anouncement of his departure and asked them not to leave. That they could get to know one another and find dates.
I was floored. Just absolutely dumb founded that they could cheapen the cause of the gay plight in this manner.
Nothing more than wasted time and energy, with a little stupidity thrown in to boot.