Saturday, May 3, 2008

And God Spoke

This is a true story and the names have not been changed.
I was at my daughters softball game tonight and the wildest thing happened.
There was a boy sitting next to me and his name is Will.
He is a highly intelligent child, but also a bully.
He is a product of a very lax parental attitude, where the rolls look to be reversed.
The child runs the parent instead of the parent running the child.
Well children never know when to stop eating if they are emotionally hungry
Will's life in the last two years have left him extremely emotionally hungry with no place to turn to fill it. His mom and dad split, and Will is not comfortable talking to anyone about it.
It turns out his dad is gay and that's not the kind of thing a thirteen year old boy wants to talk to his friends about. No one in the family had any idea, so it's been especially hard on them all
Maybe that's why this happened tonight, so that Will would understand that God does hear him.
Will must weight at the very least 250 and he's not especially tall So he doesn't wear it well at all, and I'm sure when he was younger humiliation by his peers took it's toll, and he in turn learned to master their abuse. As a matter of fact he took the hill.
During the ball game a little girl named Miracle came up to bat. That is her true name.
Well Miracle likes the high ones and will swing at them all day without a break even though she's never hit one yet. As a matter of fact she's never scored a hit at all. She's little, she will next year.
Will's sister is on Miracles team but for some reason he chose to sit on our side. Her parents did as well, but I wouldn't know this fact until after it was over. They were sitting right behind me.
Miracles count was 2 zip, and it wasn't looking good for her.
That's when Will spoke. He turned to me in a very loud voice and said, I'll buy her a hotdog
if she hits the ball and makes it to third base or to any base for that matter. As soon as he said it pissed me off, and I said to him I hope God walks her for a home run, and I'll be damned if it didn't happen. It shouldn't have happen but it did, and when it did I stood up and told Will
Go buy the hotdog! He said what, and I said you made the bet and I asked God.
God spoke Will were you listening. Will just looked at me dumb founded and said yes He did and I am a person of my word. Someone behind me kept saying Amen alot, but I really wasn't paying attention to who it was. It just registered as an another parent that had enough of Will's attitude.
Well Will went and bought the hotdog and tried to give it to Miracle, and she thought he was nuts, because she know what had happened. So he came back to me with the hotdog and said he tried but she wouldn't take it, so he had did it for nothing. Before I could say a word a hand reached past me and said I'll take it, I'm Miracles mother. As a matter of fact both her parents were there and they were the ones saying Amen.
I spoke to her after the game was over and they were leaving to go back to the other side to get their daughter. She still had that hotdog in her hand. I asked her to tell Miracle the story behind it so that she would understand why Will would try to give it to her. Her mother said she would and that she was going to enjoy telling this tale in church tomorrow. It seems God spoke to her to. They had been sitting on our side because of some asshole white people, making asshole white people comments. She didn't say it in that manner she was much more dignified about it.
That's my own personal opinion. Well it seemed in her anger she asked God to show her a decent white person. God said here you go. See if your listen He does speak, but you have to choose to hear it.