Although Mitt Romney’s determination to campaign for president on his record as a businessman has led both his supporters and his detractors to suggest that if elected, he would attempt to run the country like a business, Romney’s own understanding of the presidential role has never been entirely clear,
He may, however, have accidentally let his beliefs slip out at a campaign event in Florida on Friday, when he referred to the United States as a “company.”
“[Obama] didn’t know what it takes to actually make the economy work,” Romney told his audience. “Paul Ryan and I understand how the economy works, we understand how Washington works, we will reach across the aisle and find good people who like us, want to make sure this company deals with its challenges. We’ll get America on track again.”
Romney hesitated slightly after the word “company,” as if he was vaguely aware he might have used the wrong word, but then plowed
George Orwell once said: In a universe designed by deceit, The truth is an act of Revolution
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Romney misspeaks, calls the United States a ‘company’
Until "We" are stopped being seen as a company, and seen for the nation of citizens that "We" are, our future will continue to become bleaker.