Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chicago artist's protest backfires as he faces 15 years in jail... because he recorded his own arrest on video


Have you seen this one yet?
In 9 states it is no longer legal to film or photograph a cop.
The only obvious reason for this can be that the authorities are no longer to be held legally responsible for those little faux paz they commit, like shooting unarmed people for no reason, or those little beat downs that they do, just because they can.
3 years prison time for you if you do on a first offence, and 5 for a second.
Where is all of this leading you ask?
To a live reenactment of Nazi Germany!
You will comply!
If not willingly, then by force.
Beware, before it's to late

An artist who used a video camera to record being arrested by police is facing up to 15 years in prison.
Chris Drew has been charged with Class 1 felony under the Eavesdropping Act in Chicago, Illinois.