Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Will Americans Follow French Example Of Mass Civil Unrest?

This will happen here to and the military that has been serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, are the ones that will try to quell the situation.
In light of all that has come out about the military soldiers behavior pattern in Iraq, how comfortable are you with the fact that they to can now cruise your streets, courtesy of Homeland Security's changing of the Constitution?
Apparently our government still considers it just a god damned piece of paper that they can ignore at will.

How will Americans react when the government begins to impose the same austerity measures that are causing riots, street battles, fuel blockades and other assorted chaos in France? Will we witness mass civil unrest or will the sleeping middle classes continue to scratch their butts and watch Dancing with the Stars

Four months later and citizens of one of the most prosperous countries in the world with the highest standard of living have shut down France after six days of strikes and protests in response to government plans to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62 and the full state pension age from 65 to 67

Over a thousand gas stations have now run out of fuel across France, with strategic reserves set to last just a few weeks. Flights and trains have been disrupted, organized slowdowns have snarled highway traffic. The French are showing Americans how it should be done, by uniting peacefully to shut down an entire country. This is genuine people power – the French are sending a message to the establishment that they will no longer play ball until the looting stops

With the Obama administration set to seize private 401(k) pensions and turn them over to the Social Security Administration, how long will it be before Americans stir from their slumber and realize that their economic future and also that of their children is in immediate peril?

When will Americans begin to understand that the onset of another government bailout in the form of QE2 represents the biggest bank robbery in history?