Thursday, October 21, 2010

Geithner's Goal: Rebalanced World Economy .

And little Timmy(his mother must be so proud) is going to re-balance the world that the American consumer can no longer afford to buy.
Those numerical gauges works so well for the US, we know exactly how much crap we as a country allow other countries to bring in to sell to us and just exactly how much they don't allow in from our country to buy.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said he would use weekend meetings of G-20 finance ministers to advance efforts to "rebalance" the world economy so it is less reliant on U.S. consumers, to move toward establishing "norms" on exchange-rate policy, and to persuade others the U.S. doesn't aim to devalue its way to prosperity.

He also said the U.S. is pressing the Group of 20 industrial and developing nations to adopt numerical gauges to judge whether individual trade surpluses or deficits are "sustainable," a way to measure progress towards the goal of more balanced global growth.