Friday, January 8, 2010

Geithner called to explain AIG bailout secrecy

Congress is now being seen for the fools and dupes that they are and they're angry about it.
Well I say welcome to the world of Main Street. How do YOU like the view from our eyes, because from what WE can see, your condoning what we see as a crime, and paving the way with our tax dollars, for them to continue to commit it

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will face a congressional grilling later this month about the suppression of key details on deals that funneled billions to big investment banks while he was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Lawmakers reacted angrily Friday to revelations in e-mails sent in late 2008 and early 2009 between lawyers for the New York Fed and American International Group Inc. The exchanges show the New York Fed wanted AIG to withhold information about deals that sent billions of dollars from the taxpayer bailout of AIG to Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Societe Generale and other major banks.