Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where's the breaking point?

I truly believe in the phrase "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
But I have hit my personal breaking point, We as a "People" are not dealing with other human entities during this financial crisis. We are dealing with corporations and government authority that have all the human compassion of a other words, they possess NONE.

These machines that we are forced to deal with are rated so highly above the average human that they are not held responsible, nor prosecuted for their crimes of treason against our countries, and yes I say countries because "WE" all have been victimized and forced into poverty for the sake of their actions world wide, While they continue to be rewarded for the very actions that has allowed this calamity to occur and are held in such high esteem by all of our prevailing governments, that they are now allowed to lead and make policy for all of our countries.
It's time to tilt their game people and end this scourge of com passionless cyborg policy upon mankind.

This is a serious question to all readers of The Market Ticker.

Where is your personal breaking point?

No, I'm not asking how far you have to be pushed before you "go postal" and commit random acts of violence. That's not a question to ask in polite company, even though for virtually everyone, there is such a point.

No, I'm asking how much abuse you have to have personally served upon you by the banksters and other scam artists in this country before you have had enough, and start doing unto the other guy - because he has done you.

As an example:

Banks no longer even pretend
The one silver lining is that the public is finally seeing how devious and untrustworthy credit card lenders truly are. When issuers limited themselves to beating up on folks with bad credit, it was too easy for the rest of us to dismiss their foul tactics as business as usual. Now that the schoolyard bullies are going after everyone, the need for putting restraints on the industry is ever more obvious.


We tried asking the government - that is, the law - to intervene. The Fed was supposed to be the guardian of the system, remember? The government and Fed both refused, bowing instead to the den of vipers and thieves.

It is therefore up to us as citizens to make a decision on our own as to whether we will allow such conduct to stand.

How many of you will, in response to "rate jack" letter announcing your credit card now carries a 29.9% interest rate, when you are not a deadbeat, choose to intentionally charge that card up to the rafters and then mail the bank a picture of your middle finger instead of a check?

How many of you will, when given a "trial" modification on your mortgage that the bank refuses to convert in good faith to a REAL modification plan, will simply stop paying entirely, but NOT leave the house - force 'em to file the foreclosure and eviction notice, and live for free in your home until they do? You will probably be able to stay in your house FOR A YEAR OR MORE, since the bank doesn't want to ADMIT to the extent of THEIR loss!

How many?