Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ukraine Dead Increase to 213 - Still No Sequences

Death toll more than doubled in a week and continues to grow.
Take a look at the map

The above figures are from the latest update from the Ukraine Ministry of Health. The biggest increase in cases was again in Kiev, with 6958 new cases report in the past 24 hours. The 83,243 reported cases is the second highest, which again signals the spread of the virus to the east. Lviv oblast still has the most cases, 171,781, and deaths, 81. Only 7 of the 27 reporting locations have not crossed the epidemic threshold, and now most locations have reported deaths (see map). The jump in reported deaths to 213 represents an increase of 24 in 24 hours and raises concerns that the death toll will continue to rise due to the large number of patients who are still hospitalized (25,968 of the hospitalized patients above have been discharged).

The deaths include the 90 who were detailed previously, but media reports claim that only 17of the 213 are due to swine flu, which is due to the limited testing / collection of samples. These under-representations of swine flu cases and deaths are widespread and create continual confusion. The only flu circulating in Europe is swine flu, which accounts for the vast majority of the more than 1 million cases listed above.