Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Short people ordered to stand behind President Nicolas Sarkozy during speech


What a sad state of affairs to be worried about.

Twenty short people were ordered to stand behind French President Nicolas Sarkozy to make him look taller while delivering a televised speech.

President Nicolas Sarkozy takes to the stage Photo: PHOTOSHOT They were bused in after being "vetted" by aides of the French President who made sure none were more than his own height of 5ft 5ins.

The extraordinary scene unfolded at the Faurecia motor technology plant in Caligny, south of Caen, in Normandy, last Thursday.

Despite Mr Sarkozy's lack of inches, he looked far more statuesque than usual as he posed in front of the group of white-coated technicians on a specially erected stage.

In a broadcast on French television on Monday, a woman researcher admitted on camera that