Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Air France pilots claim 'foolproof' speed sensors introduced after Brazil plane crash

The value of your life
Is it worth demanding for
Looks like Goodrich might be getting some business real quick

Since the crash, Air France has replaced all older Thales pitot tubes on Airbus A330 and A340 planes with a newer Thales model. It already uses the new model for its A320 planes.

However, the latest incident on July 13 occurred with the new model and France's main pilot's union, SPNL, demanded that Thales monitors be replaced by those made by the company's US-based competitor, Goodrich, which provides pitot tubes to 70 percent of the world's aircraft.

“We are asking that the fleet be modified with sensors that have not been the object of any complaint,” said Erick Derivry, a spokesman.

The union said a calculator that converts pressure into a speed reading might also have to be replaced.

Air France said: "All the necessary measures will be taken