Americans have had enough
In testimony before Congress the current head of AIG, Edward Liddy, testified today that several death threats have been made against some of those individuals that received the obscene bonus payments by way of yet another bailout of the criminals that caused this mess in the first place.
Mr. Liddy read aloud one of the death threats that the people receiving the money had already received, and implied that this was not the only one.
"All the executives and their families should be executed with piano wire around their necks!"
Liddy was asked by Rep. Barney Frank to release the names of those individuals that received the money. The CEO of AIG refused to give the names of the individuals unless he could be assured that their names would be kept "confidential." This was an astounding claim to make; since AIG, the Federal Reserve and the government have been arguing all along how brilliant and indispensable these individuals are, not to mention "how absolutely critical their services are to resolving this crisis, going forward" If that were true why would those "brilliant and indispensible people" not want the whole world to know exactly who they are? (1)