Take back down man
Coz I hear lunacy
The "PEOPLE" are the back bone
Not the credit market you think that be
With out the "PEOPLE"
That you list as just psychology
Are the tangible that it takes
For the market to have any relevancy!
Other wise it's just a big blow hard
For people like Warren Buffet you see
A man of non-reality
With little worth in thought
In the everyday world we see
If the world stop drinking Coke
It would no longer exist you see
It's the idea sold of drink-ability
But it still take the people
For it's drink-ability!
Coz if we ain't drinking
There is no point in making it you see
Think a little lower
In the problems analogy
The factor of the people
Has a two part play you see
There is none without the other
To make a two part harmony