Tuesday, September 30, 2008



How can you promote them to sink us like this?
MR CLEAN what are you leaving to Superfly?

This is Treason!


Why would you want to bail this out?
This is nuts Heart!

I am asking

How could you support this bailout bill
When it has buried in it that the banks go reserve-less?
That makes me question how much is really understood here
You say you have to side with the bailout
So now I can't understand your positioning
I keep saying you must not have read it
I realize I don't understand everything
But I do understand that my daughter can't pay a half a million dollars
for an 800 sq ft house.
And that's what they seem to expect!

Military pay


Check out what we pay our soldiers even when you put in
base housing and medical, it's still poverty level!
How much do we pay BlackWater?
And Bush actually had the nutz to deny our soldiers a raise
Our government has a definite screw loose on priorities!
They need to get rid of the mercenaries and pay our soldiers MORE!

Budget madness


What the Hell is going on?
He did sign it!

The White House is threatening to veto the 2009 Defense Authorization bill if it includes provisions that would limit the Defense Department’s use of contractors.
The Senate version of the bill contains provisions that would: make security work done by private contractors inherently governmental; bar contractors from interrogating detainees; and prohibit Defense Department agencies from conducting public-private competitions for federal work. Senate Democrats complain that the administration has contracted out too much government work.
In a Sept. 9 Statement of Administration Policy, the Office of Management and Budget said the measures in the bill would unfairly restrict the department and hamper its ability to fulfill its mission.

In addition, the White House opposed a section of the bill requiring a contractor misconduct database to track various contractor improprieties. The White House called the database “unwieldy” because it would require the collection of information about administrative agreements, civil proceedings, state and local actions and other actions.

Defense spending


When will U.S. defense spending stop rising?

"All of a sudden, the losses associated with mismanagement of military aerospace programs look trivial compared with the billions that bailing out the financial system will impose," he said. "And amid that, it will be difficult, nearing impossible, to get Air Force spending back on track any time soon."

An insane waste of money


CR means continuing resolution!
Just what exactly are we buying to require 1400 more procurement jobs?

The CR will provide $39 million for the Homeland Security Department to hire new contracting specialists to manage procurements. At a Sept. 17 House Homeland Security Committee hearing, Homeland Security officials were told hiring procurement personnel to oversee contracts should be a priority for the department.
In the House Budget Committee report accompanying the CR, members expressed frustration that the department has been slow to hire.
According to department figures, its contracting staff has grown from 600 to more than 1,000, but more than 1,400 procurement vacancies remain.

What are they doing to the Vets!


What does not our government sub-contract out anymore?
How much money will this eat up from the Vets that they can't afford to lose!
The madness has to stop!
The soldiers lives are at stake!
This is not a contract for money to made off of!
How much more can you ask our Soldiers and Vets to put up with!
Enough is enough!

Pedigo tried to assure the subcommittee that no federal workers will lose their jobs as a result of turning to a contractor. “VA does not anticipate the loss of federal employment for any present employees associated with VA’s education programs,” he said. However, some people who have been involved in processing education benefits claims could be transferred to other jobs, he said.
Any claim for GI Bill benefits denied by the contractor will be reviewed by VA staff, he said, so some employees will be involved in reviewing the denied claims and others could be assigned to oversight duties.

With questions hanging over a Veterans Affairs Department decision to get a private contractor to run a new GI Bill educational benefits program, VA officials tried last week to convince lawmakers that no federal workers will lose their jobs as a result.
They were not completely convincing.
Keith Pedigo, the associate deputy undersecretary for policy and program management at the Veterans’ Benefits Administration, said Sept. 11 that a decision to turn to a private contractor to process claims and administer the Post-9/11 GI Bill is an effort to cut processing time of claims through the use of information technology. The goal is to process original claims within 10 days and supplemental claims within seven days. Additionally, 98 percent accuracy is expected for determining both eligibility and the rate of pay.
The contractor, which could be named by the end of September, is expected to handle both paper and electronic claims and check processing, Pedigo said.

Sarah is Nutz


Sarah doesn't Alaska have it's own flag?
Or how about the United States of America?
You don't have either of those in your office
But you have the flag of Israel hanging up
What's wrong with this picture people
And your loyalty lies with who Sarah?

President Peres of Israel yesterday met for the first time with Governor Palin and with Senator McCain, who called the veteran Israeli statesman "my old friend." The warm handshake and exchange of broad smiles occurred during an international gathering known as the Clinton Global Initiative, hosted by President Clinton. "I wanted to meet you for many years," Ms. Palin told Mr. Peres, according to an aide to the president. "The only flag at my office is an Israeli flag," she was quoted as saying, "and I want you to know and I want Israelis to know that I am a friend."

From Russia with love


It's amazing how a little surprise party can heal the differences among friends
At least Robert Gates thinks so anyway even if Condi is still disagreeing
That pretty plane is called a Blackjack
And in the world of gamblers
That's a winning hand
That not even the house can trump


The art of politics


You rich don't have to worry about how much Ben floods the market with bogus bucks
You'll still go to the movies and dinner
You might notice it costs you $50.00 dollars more but you'll pay it
and go off and have a good time because there is nothing to hold you back.
Every time Ben does what he does and floods that very same market
the water grows higher from the rising flood under the little people's chin.
That's just 50 more dollars it takes us to buy less of the same thing
Derivatives are just fake money they lent, why would it hurt them to lose them.
It wouldn't it would just take down their social status.
But to keep them they will sacrifice the people and that's what they've been doing.
Little by little making that dollar worth less to make sure that the rich will get to keep theirs.
"WE" as a people refuse to commit suicide and hand over the power of all that would ever be to Hank.
It's hard for us to believe that the talking heads would, but then I actually came to realize today that the gray matter it requires to understand it is not there in most of them.
They are flockers, and they come in every shape and size.
And they are actually the easiest to be taken
Only for the fact that they are so gullible and believe everything they're told.
I think I actually worry for them the most even in all of their arrogance.
Because they will be the ones that go crazy when they figure out that they actually helped perpetuate the down fall of the United States.
Guilt has a funny way of doing that to a person.

Hank Paulson Money launderer


Hank fucked the United States economy!
He should be jailed!
Daegen is a dip-shit to!
I saw what she said today
About the bailout package
She actually believes herself to
She bought her diploma!

Our Military


God I hope you guys take our country back!
Come home and kick ass
Our Constitution and your country needs you to defend her now!
The RATZ slipped in while you were away!

Lindsey Graham

This is what a rich bitch writes back when you tell him
No bailout!
He continues on about the fucking war that has done nothing but to kill
our soldiers for the purpose of corporate greed!
This is just a prime representation of another one of the useless feeders in this country that have never done a day of work in their life!
All he is good for is sucking off the people!

Thank you for taking the time to contact me. I appreciate the opportunity to
hear from you.

In spite of the high volume of mail I receive daily, I look forward to reviewing
your correspondence and providing a personal response as soon as possible.

As we continue our work in the 110th Congress, I look forward to supporting our
troops in the War on Terror, providing the men and women of the National Guard
and Reserves with improved health care, strengthening Social Security,
protecting American jobs, lowering the tax burden on American families, and
making the federal government more accountable and efficient.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of further assistance to you or
your family, and if you need immediate assistance, please call my office at
202-224-5972. If your correspondence pertains to a scheduling request, please
fax your request to (202) 224-3808.


Lindsey Graham



It is Main street USA against Wall street
Pay down your debt sounds so assine that you must have been born with those suits on
What's your dollar buy you!
You collected as much as you could off of this ponzi scheme
Because mine doesn't buy me shit!
It's worth a whole fucking lot less
You went to school to learn how to systematically rape Main Street!
Aren't you proud of yourself now!
You all did a great job of fucking your country by gambling on it everyday!
What do you think the odds are now that it will survive?
Or maybe you think that only the rich are supposed to survive!
Because that's the way you've made it!
The only good part
There IS more of us than there are of you!
Who do you think will win

Welcome back Mr McCotter!


Money or FREEDOM!
The Truth will keep us Free!

America is not nervous


The FDIC has already said it will have to take a loan from the Treasury!
We "The People" already know that the government and the corporate elite
have bankrupted this country!
Life was not meant to have to live on a loan so you bastards never have to work other than collect from your Usury!
We're not nervous you bastards!
You TREASONOUS asses are!

Congressional leaders, with advice from their parties' presidential nominees, scrambled Tuesday to find out what changes are needed to sell the failed $700 billion financial system bailout to rank-and-file members.

John McCain and Barack Obama offered long-distance help from the campaign trail. They announced separately that they support a plan that some House Republicans had pushed earlier: raising the federal deposit insurance limit from $100,000 to $250,000.

The aim of this change would be to reassure nervous Americans — and hence their elected representatives at the Capitol — that the legislation would shore up the faltering economy.

For his part, President Bush sought

Bogus bailout!


WHO does this help?
The rich RATZ only!

Do not be fooled. The $700 billion (ultimately $1 trillion or more) bailout is not predominantly for mortgages and homeowners. Instead, the bailout is for mortgage-backed securities. In fact, some versions of these instruments are imaginary derivatives. These claims overlap on the same types of mortgages. Many financial institutions wrote claims over the same mortgages, and these are the majority of claims that have "gone bad."

At this point, such claims have no bearing on the mortgage or housing crisis; they have bearing only on the holders of these securities themselves. These are ridiculously risky claims with little value for society. It is as if many financial institutions sold "earthquake insurance" on the same house: when the quake hits, all these claims become close to worthless — but the claims are simply bets disconnected from reality.

Follow the money. Average Joes and Janes are not the holders of the other side of complicated, over-the-counter derivatives contracts. Rather, hedge funds are the main holders. The bailout will involve a transfer of wealth — from the American people to financial institutions engaging in reckless speculation — that will be the greatest in history.

Billions won't save the meltdown!


620 billion dollars won't keep it up why would 700 billion?
The bailout was only to give HANK unprecedented Power of control!
Who is bull shitting who here?
"The People" want answers!
A two year old could figure out that that rescue package doesn't have a shot in Hell at working!
WHY do they want HANK to have total control over all businesses and deposits
to do with at his discretion without question or accountability!
Bloodshed is coming to this country Congress! And you will have no one else to blame but your self
for our country going into a civil war!
You have betrayed your people!
Which is a crime of TREASON under the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION!
Because your actions only serve the State of Israel!

Federal Reserve which, in conjunction with the BoE and other central banks, increased its reciprocal dollar fund swap arrangements to $620bn (£344bn) - more than double the previous amount.

'They're throwing billions around but things seem to be getting worse'• Central banks in desperate bid to stop system collapse
• Interbank lending markets plunged into more turmoilAshley Seager The Guardian, Tuesday September 30 2008 Article historyWorld central banks desperately tried to stave off collapse of the global banking system yesterday with large cash injections into money markets buckling amid news of another rash of bank failures.

The pound also suffered its biggest one-day fall since mid-1993 against the dollar as dealers focused on the fact that the US government looked as if it was going to approve its $700bn (£389bn) bail-out for US banks while the UK banking system suddenly seemed shakier than before. Sterling fell 2.3% to below $1.80 at one point. The dollar fell in late trading after the US House of Representatives voted against the bail-out plan.

Mark Deans, dealing manager at Moneycorp, said: "Confidence in UK banking has fallen to a new low with the nationalisation of Bradford & Bingley. This has prompted a major sterling sell-off and, coupled with growing confidence that the US government's Wall Street bail-out may be agreed, it has resulted in the pound's heavy fall against the dollar."

Analysts said confidence in the pound was shaken because there was still little sign that the Bank of England intended cutting interest rates to shore up an increasingly fragile economy.

Interbank lending markets across the world were plunged into further turmoil after the weekend collapse of Bradford & Bingley and Belgium's Fortis, which meant other banks remained reluctant to lend to one another. The Bank of England made an injection of £40bn of three-month funding. But that was later trumped by the US Federal Reserve which, in conjunction with the BoE and other central banks, increased its reciprocal dollar fund swap arrangements to $620bn (£344bn) - more than double the previous amount.

Financial rape of the people!!


When Hank is done one way or the other the American dollar is dead!
He rapes it everyday of what's left of it's buying power!
He's committing TREASON!
What he is doing is against the LAWS of the CONSTITUTION of the United States!
And it IS written in as such!
Our MILITARY is coming home
I hope they take this sham for a government down and try every last one of them involved in the death of the UNITED STATES for TREASON!

The startling truth which the controlled corporate media is not reporting, however, is that a bailout is actually taking place right now, completely out of the public spotlight. This program has already pumped trillions of dollars into Wall Street (compared to the mere $700 billion proposed in the legislation that the media is focusing on) to help prop up the faltering investment banks and promises to pump in even more, every dime of it to the detriment of the taxpayer though the public will have no stake in its success. Why, then, is this program not being talked about in the media?

Slipping under the radar last week amidst the hullabaloo in Washington over the bailout bill was this story noting that in the past week alone, the Federal Reserve had pumped an astonishing $188 billion per day into the system in the form of emergency credit. This means that in just four days, the Fed injected as much money into the system as the entire $700 billion bailout proposal. After the proposal was rejected, the Fed responded by immediately announcing it would pour another $630 billion into the global financial system.

The Federal Reserve, of course, is America’s central bank and although the above story conjures the reassuring image of a national bank lending out some of its vast reserves to help Wall Street weather the storm, the fact is that the Federal Reserve is not Federal and has doubtful reserves. In fact, the trillions of dollars that have been lent to the banks in the last few weeks were created out of nothing by the privately-owned Federal Reserve. When the Federal Reserve "lends" money to a bank through repurchase agreements (repos), credit auction or other method, it is not actually lending out money from its vaults. It is simply creating the money it "lends" out as electronic credits created in the recipient banks account. It is literally money out of thin air.

Shove the financial system it's toxic!


What's face value on the glut Mr Clean
It grows by leaps and bounds daily!
Their assets are worth shit!
Worth Nothing more than the sentiment of the people they threw out of those houses!
That are now filled with black mold that grows daily!
Black mold is toxic and the structure can't be lived in afterward until it is stripped down to the frame and redone!
That's what happens to a house that is left to sit after it's been climatically controlled!
Who Mr Clean will pay the property taxes or the insurance on these homes that can't even be rented because the FHA has made that ruling?
Our states are now devoid of the tax revenue these homes brought in and we're all running a high deficit!
Our schools are suffering for it as well as our local and state governments!
And now your bright idea is that we should take more of the financial responsibility
from this atrocity that financial market made from their lust for greed and a good time onto the backs of the state taxpayer as well!
America would be nuts to accept this as a viable solution!
And you been sniffing to much cleaning fluid!
Greed made it's bed Now let it die in it!

Cynthia McKinney and the dead men!


Who shot 5000 men from the prisons during Katrina!
BlackWater was there!
The Pentagon has a record of it
You know it happened and the Pentagon as well as the president ordered it!
This is right up our governments alley!
Millions of innocent people have died in Iraq!
Think about it
And then think about FEMA camps!

Defense budget big Money!


The perfect SALES opportunity!
War is big business
673 billion dollars just got passed by Congress
So the world of weapons CEO's can be made richer
off your hard earned tax dollar
Given to them like it's as common as piss water!

The CEO of a weapons manufacturer has plenty of chances to rub elbows with deputy secretaries of defense, officials from Homeland Security, retired military personnel, and the best and brightest of the defense establishment almost any week of the year.

One such opportunity occurred at the ComDef 2008 conference, which wrapped up at the National Press Club in Washington on September 3. Sponsored by weapons giants like Boeing, Raytheon, and BAE Systems, the day-long conference was organized around the theme of "Defense Priorities in an Age of Persistent Conflict." It featured presentations from a Navy undersecretary, a deputy director at the Pentagon, several weapons manufacturers, and defense representatives from France, the Netherlands, Canada, and elsewhere. With this high-powered lineup, the conference probably delivered on the promise of its catch line: "Where the international defense cooperation community gets down to business."

Next on the calendar in mid-October will be the Women in Defense National Conference at the Crystal Gateway Marriott near the Pentagon. Sponsored by consulting giant Booz Allen Hamilton, the conference includes a panel on the "National Security Priorities in the Next Administration," moderated by a Lockheed Martin vice-president. Foreign policy advisers from the McCain and Obama campaigns will be on hand and -- in a nod towards inclusiveness -- representatives from Bob Barr's and Ralph Nader's campaigns have been invited. The closing reception is sponsored by Lockheed Martin, and Booz Allen Hamilton is picking up the tab for the "Breaking a Glass Ceiling" dinner featuring retired Air Force Major General Jeanne Holm. And then

"The People" spoke


The people spoke and yet they still try to ram their control down our throats!
WE said NO Hank!
WE meant it!
The FED needs to die it's painful death and so does this system of the rich enslaving
everyone else!
We will not live a shallow life for corporate greed!

Congressional leaders labored Tuesday to find out how many changes are needed to sell the defeated $700 billion financial system rescue to rank-and-file members.
John McCain and Barack Obama offered long-distance encouragement from the campaign trail, announcing separately their backing for a plan that some House Republicans had pushed earlier: raising the federal deposit insurance limit from $100,000 to $250,000. The aim would be to reassure nervous Americans and to shore up the economy

For his part, President Bush sought to avoid being marginalized, making another statement in the White House. "Congress must act," he demanded in front of the cameras.

"I recognize this is a difficult vote for members of Congress," he said. "And I understand that. But the reality is we are in an urgent situation and the consequences will grow worse each day if we do not act."

Embedded garbage


This is an exact example of just how far the elitist disease has spread!
They make sure that their position is sold to you by placing their own mouth piece
where it's voice can be heard the loudest!
Bill O'Rielly is also another one of these people
The Morning Joe dude is to!
They're paid well to be the voice of the cabal and they're placed in all the media!
If they're telling people to shut up and selling the Bush/Co position they are part of the infestation of infection!

WHEN she was covering foreign affairs in Washington, NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell never had a problem with her love life.

But now that all news stories lead to the mess on Wall Street, Mitchell - the wife of former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, who is being blamed daily for the economic meltdown - and her marriage are raising questions among colleagues.

"You wouldn't want Laura Bush asking you about the federal government's reaction to Katrina," the prestigious Columbia Journalism Review wrote last week.

"There is an excessively large elephant in the [NBC] control room," the magazine said. "Its name is Alan Greenspan."

Consumer confidence


What a bunch of bogus bull shit lies.
Maybe the elite and their cabal's confidence rose that they would be able to suck the rest of the country dry on their cries of wolf!
The average American does not believe a ward these bastards spread any more!
We don't believe the Main Stream Media who is paid well or blackmailed into selling
out right lies to the public!
America no longer believes a thing that their government has to say!
We have a group understanding now that the only thing that comes out of our governments mouth or the talking heads mouth is filthy lies to keep us under control!
Those of you that chose the dark-side WILL go down with it!
"WE" "THE PEOPLE" will make sure of it!
Run you filthy Curr while you still have time!
Because "WE" know who you are!

Consumer confidence unexpectedly rose in September in a survey taken before the recent worsening of the credit crisis and plunge in stocks.

The Conference Board's confidence index increased to 59.8, a third consecutive gain, from 58.5 the prior month, the New York- based group said today. Other reports showed home prices fell in July at the fastest pace on record and business activity slowed less than forecast this month.

Since the confidence survey's Sept. 23 cutoff, the odds have risen that consumers will retrench in the wake of failing banks, evaporating wealth and paychecks that aren't keeping up with inflation. Stocks tumbled yesterday after the government failed to approve a financial-rescue plan.

``The environment has become pretty negative,'' said James O'Sullivan, a senior economist at UBS Securities LLC in Stamford, Connecticut, who had forecast confidence would rise. ``The momentum has certainly turned down. If the turmoil continues, the risk of a severe recession goes up.''



This particular brand of bastard elitist needs to be put down to!
They knew the financial armageddon that the Ratz that infest this country were creating!
They chose to ignore it and cover it up for them!
This cabal of infestuous vermin is world wide and needs to be exterminated
for the disease that they are!
The paper trail does not lie!
You can see every greedy hand that has been part of this atrocity to enslave
"The People" and it's not just the citizens of the United States it's "The People" of the world!
United together "WE" are ONE voice strong to purge our nations of this infection!
And the IMF is part of that infection!

Paris - International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said Sunday that his institute could serve as a kind of watchdog for the crisis-stricken world financial market. In remarks published in the Sunday paper Le Journal du Dimanche, Strauss-Kahn said the IMF could set the norms and keep watch on the markets.

Democracy demanded that each country must pass its own laws, he said, "but the general rules must apply universally because the financial system has been globalized."

Speaking of the IMF, Strauss-Kahn said: "We are in a position to define and to guarantee compromise and the common interest."

The 700 billion dollar number!


Hank chose a number and the sheep in Congress that don't work for "The People"
but do the bidding of the rich corporate Fat Cats tried to sell the panic
that they were told to sell to "The People"
McCain and Obama both tried to sell it to, just like the war with Russia
that was proven our country had a hand in provoking!
Our government gives money to war criminals to pay for their friendship
and then they systematically teach them and then urge them on in the slaughter of innocent people in some insane lust for power!
Our country needs to be purged of this vermin!
America is about freedom and Love not hate and oppression!
It's time to take back "OUR" heritage!
Live Free or Die trying!
Because the gas chambers do await at the FEMA camps!
And more grow homeless by the day from these rich bastards!

You know where that very important $700-billion figure came from?

Here's a quote from that Forbes story:

"It's not based on any particular data point," a Treasury spokeswoman told Forbes.com Tuesday. "We just wanted to choose a really large number."

They made it up to be sufficiently ginormous to frighten everyone into rapid action.

Obama and McCain


Both political party candidates need to be dismissed
Neither one chose to serve "The People"
They both chose to serve the elite!
Both sold that bogus bailout out package as a life and death matter to keep the world of finance alive.
The chose not to represent "The People" who they are supposedly being elected to serve.
They both have a war agenda that America can no longer afford nor
does it suit us as a country!
We are not a War people nor have we ever been.
That definition was chosen for us under the guise of a lie!
Weapons of mass destruction!
People "We" were the mass that they tried to destroy!
And they've done a damned good job of trying to bring our country to it's knees
But "WE" are Americans and "WE" don't give up without a fight!
And right now that fight is in our own country to rid ourselves of the elitist mafia that has taken over our government!
All of them that supported that bailout should be arrested and tried for Treason!
Our military has been purged of our most respected leaders in rank for defying the Bush/Co way of doing things!
We know that for a fact by the active nukes that were flown across this country
That can only be done with the order of the president not by some lowly airman's
mistake that the government made it out to be!
This American is neither asleep or stupid enough to believe that!
Our military is coming home, one can only hope and pray that the leaders who have forced to leave their positions come back into power and take down the bastards who have stolen our country with their lust for power and greed!
"WE" "The People" will not go down without a fight and be condemned to die in FEMA camps with BlackWater or KBR as our guards!
Live FREE or DIE trying!
Because what they have in mind for us is not worth living for!
"WE" are ONE voice strong!
Not slaves to the rich to do with for their bidding

Monday, September 29, 2008

What a trip today
Congress grew some nutz
Or maybe ears
It's not a happy day though
This is going to hurt us all and we know it
But we also choose it
Which is better than having it crammed down our throats
Somebody had to say enough was enough
I mean how much corruption can you over look
It's become such a way of life
They don't even hide it any more
I'd rather die than take that kind of garbage
At least I can look my kids in the face and say I tried
I just didn't roll over and play dead and pretend it wasn't happening
All those people that voted yea on the bailout
Are the very same people that voted no on HR-7174
Money for the First Responders
I don't know why I ever thought it could be any different for them
Than it is for the Vets
Because it never will be with corrupt bastards in office
The people that really deserve to get something from this country get nothing
but experimented on and lied to about what's really wrong with them

Conflict of interest


This is a massive conflict of interest for Mr. Frank.
He has left himself open for speculation toward the intention of his actions.
This situation is not just solely known to Mr. Frank either, the same thing can be said about our own Treasury secretary and his relationship to Goldman Sachs.
Things like this has been what has eroded the confidence of the people
toward our elected officials and their governance.
They no longer have the trust factor (of the people) to feel they serve in (The peoples) their best interests.
The Main stream media also incurs these same problems.
Lack of trust now by the people.

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews launched several vitriolic attacks on the Republican Party on his Sept. 17, 2008, show, suggesting blame for Wall Street problems should be focused in a partisan way. However, he and other media have failed to thoroughly examine the Democratic side of the blame game.

Prominent Democrats ran Fannie Mae, the same government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) that donated campaign cash to top Democrats. And one of Fannie Mae’s main defenders in the House – Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., a recipient of more than $40,000 in campaign donations from Fannie since 1989 – was once romantically involved with a Fannie Mae executive.

The media coverage of Frank’s coziness with Fannie Mae and his pro-Fannie Mae stances has been lacking. Of the eight appearances Frank made on the three broadcasts networks between Jan. 1, 2008, and Sept. 21, 2008, none of his comments dealt with the potential conflicts of interest. Only six of the appearances dealt with the economy in general and two of those appearances, including an April 6, 2008 appearance on CBS’s “60 Minutes” were about his opposition to a manned mission to Mars.

Frank has argued that family life “should be fair game for campaign discussion,” wrote the Associated Press on Sept. 2. The comment was in reference to GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and her pregnant daughter. “They’re the ones that made an issue of her family,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to the AP.

The news media have covered the relationship in the past, but there have been no mentions since 2005, according to Nexis and despite the collapse of Fannie Mae. The July 3, 1998, Reliable Source column in The Washington Post reported Frank, who is openly gay, had a relationship with Herb Moses, an executive for the now-government controlled Fannie Mae. The column revealed the two had split up at the time but also said Frank was referring to Moses as his “spouse.” Another Washington Post report said Frank called Moses his “lover” and that the two were “still friends” after the breakup.

Frank was and remains a stalwart defender of Fannie Mae, which is now under FBI investigation along with its sister organization Freddie Mac, American International Group Inc. (NYSE:AIG) and Lehman Brothers (NYSE:LEH) – all recently participants in government bailouts. But Frank has derailed efforts to regulate the institution, as well as denying it posed any financial risk. Frank’s office has been unresponsive to efforts by the Business & Media Institute to comment on these potential conflicts of interest.

While the relationship reportedly ended 10 years ago, Frank was serving on the House Banking Committee the entire 10 years they were together. The committee is the primary House body which along with the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) has jurisdiction over the government-sponsored enterprises.

He has served on the committee since becoming a congressman in 1981 and became the ranking Democrat on the committee in 2003. He became chairman of the committee, now called the House Financial Services Committee, in 2007.

Moses was the assistant director for product initiatives at Fannie Mae and had been at the forefront of relaxing

Ron Paul on vote down


Ben and Hank need to stop diddling with the dollar!
It's buying power has diminished to nothing now.
One way or another they will stick it to the American people
to further the cause of the elite.
For all the money the governments around the world have pumped into the system
to keep it's inflation up they could have paid off all the original debt and still had money left over.
Or they could have compromised and given "The People" across the board 2% interest rate rather than loose all of their own stability and credit standing.
Their greed did them in.
They chose no compromise with the people

Don't bother bringing it back up


Democrats should not even bother trying to bring this back up
"The People" reject it!
We won't sacrifice the future of our kids for a system that can't be trusted!
Our government has proved that it is in bed with Wall street!
The FBI needs to flush out every rotten corrupt politician there is that tried to sink this country and devalue the USD in the process!
It's well documented who and what was involved in this scam and why.
You burned the little people, now you'll burn in Hell with us.
The FDIC needs to stay at it's recovery rate of 100,000 per deposit and not get involved like Cramer and a few others want!
Hank Paulson's hand should be locked out of the Treasury and Ben Beneke should be dismissed.
America is tired of getting nothing for his purposeful devaluation of our money
and it's shrinking ability to pay our bills!
The FBI needs to investigate.

Democratic leaders pledged to try to put together another financial rescue bill, but it was unclear whether there was enough support for even a revised plan.

Bailout Fails

Congressional staffers told CNBC that there wouldn't be any votes on a new bailout proposal until Thursday at the earliest.

In a statement following the vote, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said he was "very disappointed" at the result of the vote but pledged to continue working with Congress to forge a rescue.

"I will continue to work with Congressional leaders to find a forward to pass a comprehensive plan to stabilize our financial system and protect the American people by limiting the prospects of further deterioration in our economy," Paulson said. "We've got much work to do, and this is much too important to simply let fail."

Citing recent bank failures in the United States and Europe, Paulson said regulators and legislators need to act "as soon as possible" to ensure the health of credit markets that U.S. businesses depend on to meet payrolls and purchase inventory.

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she was prepared to work in a bipartisan way with Republicans to get financial bailout legislation approved.

Pelosi, a Democrat, also told reporters she spoke to Paulson soon after the $700 billion bill to jump-start stalled capital markets was rejected by the House in a vote of 228-205.

Stocks plunged on Wall Street even before the

FDA approves artificial blood


This WAS tested on our soldiers in Iraq
They knew the consequences of what it did
They saw it first hand
It does kill!
And passed it anyway!

The FDA allowed tests to proceed on new varieties of artificial blood even though it should have been aware that the products drastically increased patients' risk of heart attacks and death, according to a review conducted by the National Institutes of Health and Public Citizen, and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"It's hard to understand," lead researcher Charles Natanson said. "They already had data that these products could cause heart attacks and evidence that they could kill."

At question are new kinds of artificial blood that do not require refrigeration. No such products are approved for use in the United States, although at least one variety has been approved in South Africa.



The Congress apparently never reads these bills
Because if they did they would never have allowed PD-51
It strips them of all their powers
Had Mr. Corsi not started a stink about this
Congress just would have let this pass
The threat is still there!
Congress is NOT doing there job
Because doesn't want or need a dictator!

Oil per barrel


"We" the people down here in smallville
find this funny as Hell!
There is a shortage of gas on the southern east coast
And we don't even give a damned, because we can't afford to buy it anyway!
There is no work to go to so who really needs it any how?
Not us!
We don't care what you charge for it now!
We're broke!
Plunge away!

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Oil slides $10 a barrel on weak demand outlook
Monday September 29, 2:01 pm ET
By Stevenson Jacobs, AP Business Writer
Oil prices plunge $10 a barrel as investors expect weak demand despite US bailout

NEW YORK (AP) -- Oil prices have fallen more than $10 a barrel as worries that a U.S. bailout plan won't win legislative approval increase fears of a prolonged economic downturn.
Monday's steep decline came as House lawmakers were voting on the $700 billion rescue plan. Analysts say if the plan fails to win approval and the economy weakens further, consumers and businesses around the globe would likely cut back on energy use even more.

No other plan!


Taxpayers make nothing if the bank goes under!
And they will
Main street can afford no more loans!

State Pork


Talk about ridiculous
No government cares
Local or Federal
Their all just pigs
Sucking off the taxpayer!
For the big free ride!

The Lehman hustle


Lehman shouldn't have even been allowed on the dance floor
They were broke!
Just like the other banks unless we continue to fortify them forever!
No bailout NO rescue!
Jail sentence only!
And take their friends in Congress to!

A brochure pitching $1.84 million of notes sold by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in August, a month before the firm filed for bankruptcy, promised ``100 percent principal protection.''

Buyers had ``uncapped appreciation potential'' pegged to gains in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, the brochure said. In the worst case, they would get back their $1,000-per-note investment in three years. Only the last in a list of 15 risk factors mentioned the biggest danger: ``An investment in the notes will be subject to the credit risk of Lehman Brothers.''

Lobbyists buyout


This is where the loyalty to America goes from our elected officials
It's bought off by corporate lobbyists that do not have America's best interest at heart.
That by it's self holds no redeemable value
And greed only buys tangible value

Burning down the house!


No them guys ain't dumb!

No Bailout for negligence


Stupidity should never be rewarded
And that's just what Hank wants to do as well as exonerate
himself and his buddies for doing nothing at their job
And ripping off their investors while doing that nothing.
This can be chalked up to nothing but negligence!
It deserves NO bailout nor reward!
It just show why Goldman Sachs should be out of business!

As we watch Refco open at $1 just 2 months after issuing an IPO at $22, some might say we need more government regulation to solve this problem.

First, let’s look at the problem: Each quarter, Refco transferred almost half a billion dollars of debt off its books to a third party in order to make its balance sheet and returns on equity look much better than they really were. Goldman Sachs (GS) and CSFB, the 2 leading underwriters, failed to discover this chicanery; they failed in their fiduciary responsibility. Goldman and CSFB earned over $40 million in fees for their effort, or lack thereof.

Doomed to failure


Doomed because they cannot raise new capital
because greed sucked the housing industry dry
No work no loans no need!
The bailout is a waste of money!
Unless you help "The People"
No matter what you do will fail!

Washington's $700 billion (£386 billion) bailout is doomed to failure and will see banks returning to the White House before Christmas for new funds, a leading debt specialist has told The Times.

Banks in New York believe that the Washington bailout fund has failed to address the problems facing the world's biggest capital market.

While Congressmen bickered over the terms of the deal, experts on Wall Street pointed out that the plan fails to help bankers raise new capital, the bloodline of banking.

Instead, Chris Whalen, head of Institutional Risk Analytics on Wall Street, said: "The problem with the deal is that it actually crystallises losses. The banks are going to have to deal with the issue that they have sold at a massive discount. On top of that, they are having to face up to the fact that they cannot raise new money. This is the biggest issue right now, that banks can't raise new cash."

Freddie and Fannie investigation


The FBI should look further into Freddie and Fannie
by investigating the payoffs that took place from corporate lobbyists
to congressmen to look the other way so that the rules could be over looked!
The corruption of Fannie and Freddie is just as much a government situation as it is was a corporate need to feed the greed!

Questioning the view


One would have to ask Sir, just how much and truly how effective that argument is since our deficit makes it apparent that our spending far exceeds the intake
of any taxes collected.
You can't have one tax amount without the other making it for them to pay!
One hand washes the other or it doesn't get washed at all.

Meanwhile, our political leaders continue to pander to a mis- or under-informed electorate while failing to address the nation’s real issues. For example, the top 1% of wage-earners pay nearly 29% of the nation’s total taxes, while the top 5% of wage-earners pay some 48% of the total tab. This fact seems lost amid the current political blustering; or, as Oscar Wilde noted, “The public has an insatiable curiosity to know everything except what is worth knowing.”<< Prev 1 | 2 |

Corporate lobbyists buying a dictatorship


Proof of just how rigged the market is and the willingness of government to accept it!.
Congress is still being lobbied to do corporate bidding for the affairs of the bailout!
Well "The People" don't accept it!

The ultimate outcome for a corruption driven lobbyist in Washington, D.C. is the complete severance of citizen control over their masters. The psychology that one person, or group, or branch of government in control can solve problems is the definition of dictatorship. After 40 years, I can still look my fellow revolutionaries in the eye and say once again, "You can't change the system from within, it will only corrupt you."

Giving the Executive branch the discretionary power over the fate of 100 million American home owners is a fundamental change in government. This is not just about bailing out Wall Street, or more government power over the private sector, it is about the Executive given more power to control Americans directly. Giving the government direct financial power over you eliminates the "separation of powers" between public and private financial institutions. Good if your party is in power, disastrous if not. Who will you vote for, someone who will foreclose on you or bail you out? Someone who will give you a lifeline of credit or cut you off?

Recently, congress passed a war act bill giving the president unbridled war powers, V.P. Dick Cheney challenged the balance of powers between the branches of government, the president marked up thousands of congressional bills to only enforce what the executive wanted to do, and now the treasury is given absolute power over who gets bailed out and who fails in the private sector.

The final outcome of a representative form of government that consolidates power in one city, paid for by corrupt special interests, using financial debt at a weapon of mass destruction against her own people is failure.

This is a dark day for America and the world.

Robert Artusy

Injection doesn't help


No amount of money injected in the world is going to make these banks run.
That takes people with jobs making deposits.
Making the currencies worth less by bogus injections of freshly minted money
is just making the problem that much more worse and actually escalating it at that.
If interest can't be paid derivatives can't be canceled
And that can't happen unless "The People" of the world are working!
Money is no longer put into companies it's given to corporate heads and investors.
"The People" make the world turn, not the investor.
Corporate greed and banking greed has ruined the balance
If "The People" are not sustained the world of finance has no legs to stand on!

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s brokerage unit, in the months before its parent filed for bankruptcy protection, lost more than $400 billion in assets, according to the trustee overseeing customer accounts.

Lehman's holding company filed for bankruptcy Sept. 15 claiming $639 billion in assets, using four-month-old data. The wholly owned brokerage unit shrank to less than $100 billion in assets from $500 billion ``a few months ago,'' according to a Sept. 19 court statement by James Giddens, the trustee overseeing the settling of Lehman brokerage customer accounts by the Securities Investor Protection Corp.

The loss in value was caused by ``changes in the market,'' according to Giddens, a partner at law firm Hughes Hubbard & Reed, who spoke at a bankruptcy court hearing in Manhattan. The runoff may indicate Lehman's customers, including many hedge funds, canceled and closed out trades as they began to doubt the firm's ability to navigate the credit crunch, bankruptcy analysts and lawyers said.

``There was the proverbial run on the bank'' at Lehman

Lehmans loss


So basically all Lehman's had was the hot air of reputation
When it's all said and done is worth nothing
Just like the bank bailout
Because the other banks have nothing more to offer than Lehmans did
Inflated hot air with no sound backing
Toxic mortgage holdings make all the banks worthless

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s brokerage unit, in the months before its parent filed for bankruptcy protection, lost more than $400 billion in assets, according to the trustee overseeing customer accounts.

Lehman's holding company filed for bankruptcy Sept. 15 claiming $639 billion in assets, using four-month-old data. The wholly owned brokerage unit shrank to less than $100 billion in assets from $500 billion ``a few months ago,'' according to a Sept. 19 court statement by James Giddens, the trustee overseeing the settling of Lehman brokerage customer accounts by the Securities Investor Protection Corp.

The loss in value was caused by ``changes in the market,'' according to Giddens, a partner at law firm Hughes Hubbard & Reed, who spoke at a bankruptcy court hearing in Manhattan. The runoff may indicate Lehman's customers, including many hedge funds, canceled and closed out trades as they began to doubt the firm's ability to navigate the credit crunch, bankruptcy analysts and lawyers said.



It takes away from any future there is Mr Practical
It floods the dollar out to a grinding halt right now
Making it worth Zip.....
That effects us all in the here and now!
There is no future if they do this bailout in their proposed manner
There are no jobs so the kids will never have to worry about paying taxes
Because that requires working to do so
The FED needs to be prosecuted for the thieves they are
So do most of the corporate bankers
They are ticks that serve no purpose other than to kill the host
"The People"

Bush is an idiot!


The bailout will not make the country run!
It only helps his friends get there money out of the market
States are running massive deficits because of lack of jobs
Home builders and the trades are what make jobs for tax revenue
Not the banks
The crisis lies with no jobs to fortify the banks
not the other way around
As you can see by the bank closures there is no need for them if there is no work!

Key supporters of a Wall Street bailout package prodded lawmakers to approve the plan hours ahead of a difficult House vote on Monday, with President Bush saying it is needed to "keep the crisis in our financial system from spreading throughout our economy."

Dumb Idea!


This only helps out the corporate head and investors!
The bailout should be "The People"
790 billion dollars could pay off alot of mortgages to take them off the books
Then life could once again have room to run
Until you help "The People"
You might as well as hang it up!
Because "The People" make the world run
Not paying off corporate heads.
Sub-contractors build the homes
Not the builder he only cuts the check
For the work that they do.
All the home builder trades are out of work
That's why the rest of this country is not running
If you pay off the head it does nothing for retail
Sleep is a good thing Cap
It helps you keep track of the days
I was wondering but then you never know
The mysteries of other religions holidays

Couldn't stand it could you
To much going on in the day
Or is it you just skipped a day ahead
At least the smile was good OK

In any case strap in
There's turbulence on the rise
One way or another I'd say
Some one gets denied

If I was you I'd be a goner
There's to much heat on the way
So just be sure to ditch the suit
It makes you an easy mark that way

People don't know and they don't care
The banks are ripping off is the say
And bloodshed is very near
Unless Hank is jailed OK

I was amazed at the fast rise
But the cock has crowed the hour of the day
And people are awake and eyes opened wide
And have taken all they're going to take

Gold shortage


A shortage of precious metals and yet the price continues to go down!
What's wrong with that picture!
Manipulation by design is evident!

A surge for demand in gold and silver has resulted in an unprecedented shortage of the metals for retail investors in recent days, according to Gold and Silver Investments, a Dublin-based firm that allows retail investors to speculate on movements in the value of precious metals.

We're watching Congress

The Governor of the state of South Carolina is now having to par back the government.
Our tax revenues are not there to sustain our system of governance.
Our school systems have already had to cut 4% from their budget and we are only 2 months into the new fiscal year!
Home owners make up those revenues that our local as well as State governance is run by.
If our Congressmen or representative vote for this bank bailout, than that's the first job cut our Governor should make to rid us of the pork that our State system can do without.
No State running a deficit right now should have any of their representatives voting for this bank bailout, rather than bailing out "The People".
If they do vote for the bailout all the State pensions and 401k's that were invested and then ripped off don't stand a chance of being regained!
The bailout ties the hands of the Judaical process to regain these monies.
No bailout for the banks!
Federal prosecution for the traitors!
For committing treason against their country by purposely devaluing the dollar!
The prime reason in it's self that the home owners are losing their homes
The dollar has lost 40% of it's buying power since 2003, these bankers knew exactly what they were doing!
And so does Hank Paulson: Bailing out his friends!
Stop the printing presses on the money!
It's making what we have worth less with every new bogus buck printed!

Bailout for "The People"


Farm Aid’s Nelson, Mellencamp, Young and Matthews Urge Congress to Redirect Bailout to Working Men and Women, Farmers

September 27, 2008

In response to the $700 billion Wall Street bailout currently being considered by Congress, the Farm Aid Board of Directors Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young and Dave Matthews sent an open letter to Congressional leaders urging them to redirect funds to farm communities and working men and women, where they can be better used to address our country’s economic, environment, energy and health crises.

“The proposed $700 bailout asks taxpayers to foot the bill without giving them the opportunity to share in any gains that might result,” Willie Nelson said. “On the other hand, a $1 billion investment in family farm agriculture would enrich all of us, because we are all shareholders of the family farm. The return on investment in the family farm includes thriving local economies, nutritious food for better health, a safer and more secure food supply, a cleaner environment and more renewable energy.”
Nelson and fellow Farm Aid board members Neil Young, John Mellencamp and Dave Matthews marked Farm Aid’s 23rd year last weekend with a New England-based benefit concert that showcased the tenacity of family farmers as an example of what it takes to solve America’s most pressing challenges.

No Bailout Congress!


The bailouts only serve to screw "The People"
in more ways than one. It stops the lawsuits or complicates them so that the perpetrators get off scott free just like Enron!
They committed Securities fraud and should be prosecuted!
They are hoping the bailout will stop the prosecution!
None have answered the charges yet brought against them by investors!
And they won't either with Hank's help!
"The People" just get ripped off twice!
With no Justice served!

The bailouts and bankruptcies of some of Wall Street's most prominent financial firms could hinder the claims of plaintiffs who have filed shareholder lawsuits against those companies.
Also, attorneys warn that shareholder actions face much greater difficulty than those filed against Enron Corp. and WorldCom Inc.

This month's bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., the $85 billion loan to American International Group Inc. (AIG) and the bailout of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (Freddie Mac) have, in some cases, put a temporary freeze on the dozens of shareholder lawsuits filed in recent months against those companies.
None have answered the charges yet brought against them by investors!
And they won't either with Hank's help!
"The People" just get ripped off twice!
With no Justice served!

While most of the companies have not responded to the suits, which generally allege securities fraud and breach of fiduciary duties, many defense attorneys anticipate that plaintiffs could have a difficult time blaming specific companies and their individual directors and officers for what could be interpreted as uncontrollable economic forces that caused the unprecedented collapse of so many firms.

Senator Dodd should be indited on corruption charges


Senator Dodd should be arrested for taking bribes from Country Wide!
He was caught red handed with his hand in the bank cookie jar!
His best interests only serve the bankers
And they only serve themselves!
The check is only cut to the bankers themselves
Because "Their" accounts won't balance!

Two leading players in efforts to devise a financial system bailout bill said Monday they hope for quick passage of a newly fashioned version, with checks and balances on the executive branch, which they said should make it palatable enough for fellow lawmakers still hearing vocal criticism from their home districts.

Asked Monday morning if the compromise bill will go through, Sen. Chris Dodd said, "We hope so." But the Connecticut Democrat said it's not a panacea for all the problems that have bedeviled the U.S. financial markets. He also said, though, that failure to act would spread the contagion of frozen credit markets even further. "This is not just about Wall Street," Dodd said. He said that it's "potentially going to hurt other people across the country."

A vote of conscience


We "The People" are watching how you vote Congress!
The collapse is already happening ask your constituents!
This bill only serves the banking elite NOT "The People!
It does nothing but suck the last remaining life blood of this country!
By devaluing the dollar further!
The Constitution of the United States of America calls that Treason!
And if you vote for it your a Traitor to this country and will be prosecuted accordingly!
"The People" are watching and have made "Their" voice heard!

Congress prepared to cast a somber and momentous vote today - a vote of conscience - on a $700 billion bailout of the nation's financial system, hoping that it will prevent what many members now fear is an impending collapse of the U.S. economy.

Congressional failure


If Hank's plan is the only plan that Congress has chosen to listen to
Then they DO NOT represent "The People" they represent the banks!
The banks cannot run without "The People" and "The People" are broke
And another loan won't fix it!
The banks are worthless feeders off "The People"
The tick on the dog's back!
Draining it of it's life blood!

American enemies


America is listening to Marcy and Dennis
There are enemies within our government
Our government has been taken over by the corrupt banking industry itself!
There is no more blind trust of "The People"
Israel is running our government
And they are doing it through the corporate banking cabal
If "The People" are worth nothing
Then the banks are worth nothing!
Open up their books!
The truth will set us free!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Are you programed
To the dogma of the way
Did you hear yourself
And what you would have to say
Your not sure of the push
Of what you would even say
Do just celebrate for a day off
Because it would look bad the other way

And then you would sacrifice the people
To the immorality of higher greed
What's up with that Cap
You do sit on the fence indeed
You built a monster of nothing
It's imagination of greed's full glare
Except that it's not really real
Because there was no foundation to make it there
It's usury
Something from nothing
And the FED makes the world work that way
Get off the fence Cap
Or you lose credibility of the play
Because in the real world
It's impossible to have it both ways
Which walk do you talk
Because I hear a forked tongue play
If your free market you know it should burn
Just like the houses have to be taken away
You should leave Cap
You can see it's out of control
Why would you stay when you don't have to
Be gone sweet Heart do it while you can
Take your family with you
And get gone while you can
The lid is coming off
The cancer is out of hand
Bad things are coming down
And death will touch the land

Obama Thug nation!


Holy crap
What has America become?
No voice of the people
For threat of the gulag
This is no longer America
I don't recognize this as home

9/11 Strange phone call


Very strange indeed!

The great American strike


Tax day will come!

Hanks looting


How long was this plan around Hank?
Your stealing from Americans to serve your own purpose
No Banker left behind!
Screw you and the horse you rhode in on Hank!

Fix it Hank!


Did America get any of these stipulations?
No they didn't because they're honest!
Hank is not honest he's greedy!
Congress heard this
Why wasn't it acted on?

Private FED


Who was representing the American taxpayer during the bailout
discussion for Wall Street?
It certainly wasn't Congress!

Pelosi declares Martial law


Only one plan Hank's plan that won't work!
Martial law will start soon
Because SO will the Revolution

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) reports from the floor of the House that the Republicans have been cut out of the process and called unpatriotic for not blindly supporting the fraudulent bailout. He says the only debate has been about what talking points to use on the American people. The most ominous revelation is when he claims the Speaker has declared martial law.

“I have been thrown out of more meetings in this capital in the last 24 hours than I ever thought possible, as a duly elected representative of 825,000 citizens of north Texas.” Said Congressman Burgess.

Burgess asks the Speaker of the House to post the bailout bill on the internet for at least 24 hours instead of passing the largest piece of legislation in US financial history in the “dark of night.”

The most frightening part of Rep. Burgess’ one-minute floor speech is when he says, “Mr. Speaker I understand we are under Martial Law as declared by the speaker last night.”

Can you sue Congress


When this proposal fails and it will because it has not addressed the problems causing it
How can the American people hold Congress responsible for this atrocious waste of money?
How they will sleep at night is beyond me
They have helped no one except cover their own hide from the handouts that they took to sell out their own people!
The evidence of their failure will show in just a few days!
Then what will they do
My guess is sleep with their eyes open!

Even China knows it won't work!


It can't work if you didn't do anything to fix the problem!
The banks have money "The People" don't
Civil war is approaching
There can be nothing else if this was their solution.

The U.S. dollar would face short-term fluctuations and weaken in the long run, a leading Chinese banker predicted here on Sunday.

Speaking at the Summer Davos forum in this north China port city, Bank of China Vice President Zhu Min said he believed it would be less likely for the United States to sell more treasury bonds to other countries to obtain the funds needed to bail out the turmoil-beleagued financial market, which would only accelerate inflation in other countries.

Instead, the U.S. could only issue other bonds to finance the rescue plan, which Zhu said would definitely cause the dollar depreciation in the long term. The bailout fund will have topped one trillion U.S. dollars if the U.S. Congress passes the Fed's 700 billion dollar financial rescue plan.

Remember when


Remember when Christy Whitman said the air was safe to breath at ground zero?
She said it even though the reports show that it was toxic, so that Wall street could start making money again!
Are you sure the 700 billion is the right thing to do?
Toxic breath kills and it's coming again for the sake of making money
Call your congressmen and tell them NO BAILOUT!
It's a toxic mess our children can't afford to clean up!

Why Congress Why?


Why aren't we helping "The People"
That's what's drying up the system
"The People" have no money!
So there is no need for the system!
Because it takes money to keep going
That "The People" don't have!

Everybody knows it won't work!


Hank knows it won't work to but the FED is debt up to it's ass and needs the bailout!
Congress even thinking about giving Hank unquestionable control is either shear stupidity or treason take you choice!
The hands in the cookie jar says it's treason!

Financial support is not enough to rescue US economy, said John Higgins, economist of Capital Economics, British consulting company on economic studies.

“We still don’t think buying toxic assets from banks will be a cure-all for the financial sector, given that an ongoing painful adjustment in the real economy is likely to lead to further heavy asset write-offs and that banks will have increasing difficulty in raising fresh capital,” Higgins said.

Earlier, Treasury of US worked out measures to stabilize financial market paralyzed by non-liquid mortgage loans. According to draft law, the government intends to buy toxic assets connected with mortgage lending from the financial companies based in US. The anti-crisis plan is estimated at $700bln. The program was also supported by Ben Bernanke, head of Federal Reserve System of US.

“Strains in financial markets reached a new peak as investors waited to see whether Congress would approve an amended version of the US administration’s “troubled asset relief program” by

Trend Capital


Very soon we have lost our seat on the world market.
We will no longer be number one and nobody is holding our seat for us.
What would they even like us? We as a nation have come to represent the fat mouthed bully on the block.
We don't protect people we terrorise them and take over their nations.
It took us alot of money to do this, and most of the equity out of our nation to do it. They are now selling us off bit by bit.
Our own army is coming back, lets hope the purpose is to rid us of the ratz in charge of this county. I know someone somewhere still has pull and knows what's going on. You can do nothing but hope they will come to the aid of their country
because we are under attack by a foreign entity. Our own government!
Most of the bogus bucks are still not within our shores, God help us all when they get here! Because we will be flooded.

Latest developments in the financial markets of US and see-saws in the exchange rate of dollar have undermined the position of the America currency in world markets. Today, even more countries are thinking about refusing dollar USD as reserve currency. By doing this, they want to secure their markets and promote the role of national currencies.

According to International Monetary Fund, if in 1999 dollar assets accounted for 71% of all currency reserves worldwide, it makes 65% at present. A total of 25% of reserves of central banks and 39% of liquid demands in private sector are preserved in euros. Not only central banks and source companies, but also investment funds give preference to euro in their currency policy. Diversification of currency reserves reduces threat of losses from the change in rate of one of the currencies.

War Crimes


Condi just admitted to war crimes
The Geneva convention wasn't written for nothing
No matter what some lawyer said
The pictures are coming out that haven't been seen
And they are not pretty!

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently became the first Bush administration official to admit that high-level discussions of the use of torture had taken place in 2002 and 2003.

According to a written statement provided to the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier this month and released on Wednesday by committee chairman Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), officials were told that waterboarding and other "harsh interrogation measures" routinely used in a survival training program for US soldiers would not cause "significant" harm if used on prisoners.



At least I got a laugh out of this shit lol!
Securitized Housing Investment Trust

Once the 700 Billion Bailout Bill is passed a new public/private entity will be created. This new entity will be known as the Securitized Housing Investment Trust and will be referred to using the acronym SHIT. Once Paulson and the administration get their SHIT together, all of our financial problems will be behind us. In addition to purchasing illiquid mortgage assets, Detroit crack houses, abandoned FEMA trailers, and other real estate assets, the trust will also purchase porta potties. Paulson is quoted as saying: “ the porta potty acquisition is the crown jewel of our plan. As the US Dollar reaches parity with toilet paper, left over toilet paper in the porta potties could be a valuable asset. We expect a return of 100, 200 or even 1000% on the toilet paper asset alone relative to the US Dollar.”

Most analysts are in agreement, this will be the largest SHIT on the face of the planet.

Trouble in Banktopia/Atlantis


In Atlantis there was two kinds of people
The ones who followed the law of Belial, who thought the small should be used as slaves and driven to do the people of Belial bidding. They had a special energy system that they could do anything with, so they chose to drive the people with it.
The other people followed the law of One. They believed all people are equal
and had a right to live a peaceful life and to live for the betterment of themselves and not as a slave to be driven.
The law of One people saw that the people of Belial were pushing to hard and miss using the energy of the people. They knew that the people of Belial were going to blow Atlantis, so they discretely started to leave and drifted to all parts of the world. Atlantis did blow up and sunk into the ocean, no substitute America for Atlantis and Belial for the Bankers and the people of the law of One are "We" "The People" and the special energy system is money!

David Walker


They knew he told them!
He was the comptroller general of the United States
They didn't feel the need to listen

Paulson needs to be addressed by RICCO


Your congress knows that Hank is economically destroying our country!
They are enabling him to do it rather than jail him!
The Constitution says Hank Paulson should be tried for TREASON!

We died from the cure!


You can not survive with two hundred IVs in your arm you just can't! Wake up! Smell the roses! (or over bloated pig do-do as the case may be)

Ever increasing taxation drained your strength! Interest rate and market manipulations drained your and also the operating wealth of the "good" corporations. As government amassed the wealth and ownership by investment. Exploited that wealth for greater ownership and control. The end result

England is a little smarter


We don't take Hank's treasury keys away, we just give him more
England will survive this economic downturn while America will die
because of stupidity by our congress!

The Tories last night wrongfooted Gordon Brown over his handling of the economic crisis by announcing plans to strip the Treasury of key powers if they win the next General Election.
In a move they compared to Labour’s 1997 decision to remove the Chancellor’s power to set interest rates, Shadow Chancellor George Osborne announced plans to set up an independent watchdog to police the Treasury.
The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) would have the power to stop governments running up large budget deficits to fund their spending promises – what Mr Osborne describes as ‘showing a yellow card to the Chancellor’.
The proposal follows the Tories’ successful barb that Gordon Brown compounded the crisis in ‘failing to fix the roof while the sun was shining’ by spending excessively during the years of buoyant tax revenues.

No Bailout!


Oh what a joke!
In 5 years it won't matter!
Because America won't be here
The government economists say it won't work
And so do all the rest of them!

WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are pushing for a new Wall Street tax that would cover the potential costs of a $700 billion bailout being negotiated by Congress and the Bush administration.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, speaking to reporters after a meeting with fellow Democrats, said the fee could be assessed after five years if the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office determined taxpayers had lost money in the bailout.

"If after five years ... the CBO decides that the American taxpayer has lost money in this, then there would be a fee on financial institutions," Pelosi said, adding that she hoped the provision could be part of a final bailout deal.

Pelosi said that the Secretary of the Treasury could determine how to assess the fee.

Americans do not accept your bailout Congress!


Congress if you pass this Wallstreet bailout you seal your fate in politics
You will not be voted back in
You will be hunted down and tries for treason
The economist your own as a matter of fact have stated this bailout will not work.
The American people refuse to take on this debt of burden for the fat cat bankers that brought our economic stability to it's knees!
Civil war is upon you Congress
And you signing this bill will seal it's fate
Our country will be awash in bloodshed penned by your own hand!
We've already cleaned up enough of Wallstreets puke
Don't make it blood!
Let the banks die and back our dollar by gold!
The people deserve it!

The ultimate dollar collapse


Do you really think they didn't know
The banks arranged it
With the help of your government!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

They knew!


They broke the system doing things against the law
Fascism isn't stupid
It's the highest greed grade you ever saw
9000 homes a day foreclosed on by them all
They took the peoples power away
To allow America to fall
NO bailout
Treason should not be rewarded
It should be prosecuted
And it should be done to the bankers all
And then a tour of congress to
And those who took the lobbyists glue
To sell out all they could of you
For the downfall of America to!
Treason is a crime and so is selling out your country!

I'll take the inch!



Congress stupidity


Rather than consult with economists our Congress chooses to consult Warren Buffet
What would Warren Buffet do as though he were God and could fix everything
Well he did the smart thing and pulled his money out of the United States years ago
But Congress can only ask a businessman and wasn't it the businessmen who sold us this Bullshit years ago to get us into the state of mess were in now!
Don't ask the economists they might just accidentally solve the problem rather than look for the biggest profit quota!

Congressional negotiators have been consulting with outside experts including billionaire investor Warren Buffett amid a focus on market reaction to the plan.

"We've had Warren Buffett on the phone tonight, other experts that we've been consulting," Sen. Kent Conrad (D., N.D.) told reporters as he walked through the U.S. Capitol. He declined to identify other people with whom lawmakers have consulted.

Banks borrowing 188 billion a day

The FED is busted and the banks are insolvent
Hank needs the bailout because the FED is broke and so is the Treasury!
No Bailout for thieves!
Jail for treason is a better deal!
They deliberately broke this country!
And Congress let them do it for the payoff!

U.S. banks and money managers borrowed a record amount from the Federal Reserve in the latest week, nearly $188 billion a day on average, showing the central bank went to extremes to keep the banking system afloat amid the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression.

The data on borrowing from the Fed closed out another day of high anxiety in global money markets. Key measures of funding stress hit record levels on both sides of the Atlantic as nervous market participants awaited developments from Washington on a $700 billion U.S. financial bailout plan.

Federal Reserve data showed on Thursday the total amount banks borrowed nearly quadrupled the previous record of $47.97 billion per day notched just the week before.

McCain failure to lead!


McCain sold out to Paulsons plan!
He's in compliance to be bought by the Bankers!

WASHINGTON, DC -- In the wake of McCain's decision to express support for Wall Street's widely execrated $.7 trillion bailout in yesterday's presidential debate, questions are multiplying as to what in God's name the Arizona senator thinks he is doing. If he wants to choose victory, McCain has one clear shot left: condemn the bailout as the biggest earmark in world history, and the biggest piece of corrupt corporate welfare to ever come down the pike. The bailout is the mother of all pork, and it is dedicated exclusively to the needs of the sociopathic Wall Street parasites, the hyenas, jackals, lamprey, and raptors who have been busting unions, gouging wages, downsizing factories, demolishing the social safety net, driving up the price of oil, and outdoing each other over recent years in destroying American jobs in favor of runaway shops and sweatshops in the third world. If McCain were to oppose the bailout, he would enjoy the support of the two thirds of the American people who decisively oppose the stupid, criminal, and futile bailout monstrosity.

By opposing the bailout, McCain (or any other prominent politician) would emerge as a genuine national leader. Since Obama is a total creature of Wall Street, he will always be forced to support the demands of the financiers who are his owners. By attacking the bailout, McCain could pin Barky into the role of defending Bush, Paulson, Pelosi, Dodd, Frank, and the finance vultures, and with this McCain would probably win the election. If McCain supports the bailout, all his talk about "country first," mavericks, earmarks, reform, fighting corruption, corporate welfare, and so forth will be exposed as a hollow sham.

McCain's foolish behavior can perhaps be explained by looking at the machinations of the devious Treasury Secretary Hanky-Panky Paulson of Goldman Sachs, a member of the ruling principals' committee and Wall Street's point man in the biggest Treasury heist in history. Paulson was the prime mover in McCain's erratic behavior over the past week, most notably his ploy in suspending his campaign and coming back to Washington to join the bailout talks. It is now clear that McCain came back to Washington because he was invited to do so by Paulson. As veteran newscaster Bob Schieffer of CBS News has reported, " the way McCain got involved in this in the first place, the Treasury Secretary was briefing Republicans in the House yesterday, the Republican conference, asked how many were ready to support the bailout plan.

Jack Mclamb


He knows Martial law is coming!

RNC protester torture


What did the cops do to this kid?
They tortured him!
It's the Israeli way
And that's where your cops are being trained!

How deep does the rabbit hole go!


Believe it or not
Just remember it!

Global Revolution and Resistance!


They have crossed over the lines of corruption!

My country is a company!


1984 has arrived

Death of the dollar


Robotic but true
The death of America by the FED!
Done on purpose!

Bailout committee on the take!


The very same people that allowed it are now selling you out for the
Banking elite
No Bailout!!
Treason needs to be addressed
How much money did they sell you(The American Taxpayer)out for?
Greasing the skids for their own pocket!
Where is the FBI in this obvious buy off?

America says NO bailout!


Not one American taxpayer wants this
The finest economists in the country say it's a failure
And our Congress still tries to make deals to save their own ass
Forgetting about the American people they represent!
NO Bailout Congress!
They broke it
They bought it
Not American people!

U.S. Senate leaders said they expect to hammer out a $700 billion bank-rescue package before financial markets start to open late tomorrow, even as House Republicans said they wouldn't be held to an ``artificial timeline.''

Leaders of both parties were meeting with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson today to negotiate the details of his proposal to buy bad mortgage-related assets from financial companies reeling from record home foreclosures.

``It would be my hope that this could be resolved today, that we'd have a day for the American people and members of Congress to review the legislation on the Internet,'' said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California. ``One thing is for sure, we are not leaving until this legislation is passed.''

Lawmakers are concerned that further delay on the week-old proposal will add to turmoil in global financial markets after the failure this week of Seattle-based Washington Mutual Inc., the largest U.S. bank ever to go bust. President George W. Bush, in his weekly radio address today, said that a rescue plan is needed to avoid ``a deep and painful recession.''

Democratic Senator Max Baucus of Montana said tonight that negotiators are ``making a lot of headway.''


Bob Chapman


And isn't true
Morgan chase buying everything up because they know they have nothing to lose
They have their hand in the Treasury of the United States pocket!
Jail with No Bail!
And a trial for Treason!

You might have been wondering why all these big banks like JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America are buying up and absorbing toxic waste dumps like Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Countrywide and Washington Mutual, seemingly without fear that their toxic waste might poison them and put them under. Wonder no longer, because all the Illuminist scum running these big banks were told in advance that the Paulson Plan would be slam-dunked down the throats of our Congress by the peerless Caligula Administration. All that toxic waste, they were told months in advance, would not affect them, because the Illuminist operatives in our government were going to pawn it off on the dopey sheople, who would be sold down the river by their traitorous, so-called representatives in our government.

The Buildeberg group


You have the opportunity now
To put these people down
Say NO to the bailout!
The FED is dead!

Bush war crimes


Congress we are watching you
And you will be replaced if you don't serve "The People"

Bailout Fraud!


No Bailout of the FED
or Wall Street banks!
Invest in the people!
Not the FED's greed and corruption!

Rick Santelli


The banks are insolvent!
So is the FED!
Let it die!

The Russians were right!


I don't need intelligence to tell me this was true
I was reading the Moscow papers before the war started
I read about Georgia's provocations toward South Osettia
Russia just did what they were supposed to
Keep the peace and control the situation
So they stopped Georgia's assault!

The Russians were right; we're wrong," Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said at a hearing of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.

"The Georgians started it; the Russians ended it," he added.

Mr Rohrabacher claimed that unidentified intelligence sources had assured him that Georgia started the fighting that began on August 7 when Georgia's military tried to re-establish control over its breakaway, pro-Russian province of South Ossetia.

The Big rush


Just how illiquid is the FED
Which is a private corporation!
The answer is very and they want you the taxpayer to bail them out
Don't say no
Say: Hell NO!

Military wife tells the truth


Kay Griggs tells all!
Top brass military and the homosexual induction it took
to make their rank!
It all starts in private school!

War is just a nre territory for weapons sales

White house sex scandle
Franklin cover up

Pissed off military spouses


Bush just well did you treat our soldiers!
You lied to them. broke them and then threw them by the way side!
The way you dirty dealt them and made them go without and then paid BlackWater richly
Our soldiers serve "The People" Not you!

Dr Paul Craig Roberts


Their system is dead
No Bailout!

Remember the good old days when the economic threat was mere recession? The Federal Reserve would encourage the economy with low interest rates until the economy overheated. Prices would rise, and unions would strike for higher benefits. Then the Fed would put on the brakes by raising interest rates. Money supply growth would fall. Inventories would grow, and layoffs would result. When the economy cooled down, the cycle would start over.

Break the Bank!


The FED sold your life so Congress could have a never ending money supply!

Why it is Americans can't forgive themselves the interest on the debt? We don't owe it to "we the people," we owe it to the Federal Reserve and to foreign governments in the form of U.S. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds. Currently the top four foreign owners of our debt include: Japan at $592.2B, China at $502B, United Kingdom at $251.4B, and oil exporters at $153.9B. Other countries include Brazil, Caribbean Banking Centers, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Russia, Norway, Germany, Taiwan, and Switzerland.

Rich bailing out the rich


When the laundromat shows it you know Main street is broke!

Rosita Juslingno, 52, a Mexican immigrant who works at the Laundromat where Ms Salamanca does her boys’ washing, said: “No one’s explained what’s happening. Who are they injecting money to? I just know that my customers have fallen from forty in the morning to just two.”

She pointed to a line of empty washing machines. “We’re close to closing. Are they going to bail me out?”

Deek's views

Deeks views on the morons news

Chuck Baldwin says


No amnesty for the bankers!
Their life is no longer sustainable!
So there is no point in the transfusion
Their death is immanent
Better them than us!

At the time of this writing, the U.S. House and Senate are poised to pass a $700 billion bailout to Wall Street. At the behest of President George W. Bush, the U.S. taxpayers are going to be on the hook for what can only be referred to as the biggest fraud in U.S. history.

Virtually our entire financial system is based on an illusion. We spend more than we earn, we consume more than we produce, we borrow more than we save, and we cling to the fantasy that this can go on forever. The glue that holds this crumbling scheme together is a fiat currency known as the Federal Reserve Note, which was created out of thin air by an international banking cartel called the Federal Reserve.

According to Congressman Ron Paul, in the last three years, the Federal Reserve has created over $4 trillion in new money. The result of all this "money-out-of-thin-air" fraud is never-ending inflation. And the more prices rise, the more the dollar collapses. Folks, this is not sustainable.



Making it easy to tell them NO!
It takes less than a minute to fill it out
Vote to save your future!
Tell them Hell No
They broke it they bought it!

Alaska weasels


Who in government anywhere has accountability
Because the popular trend is No One!

With state officials again defying legislative subpoenas in the investigation of whether Gov. Sarah Palin abused her power, the war between state lawmakers and Alaska's attorney general is escalating.The governor's chief of staff, Mike Nizich, and six other Palin aides didn't show up Friday to honor subpoenas ordering them to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee chairman, Anchorage Democratic Sen. Hollis French, said they could be found in contempt when the full Legislature convenes in January, a finding that carries potential jail time.

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Alaska Attorney General Talis Colberg, a Palin appointee, filed a lawsuit late Thursday asking the courts to declare the subpoenas invalid so the state employees would not be punished for ignoring them.

Colberg said his office has told the employees they had a choice to disobey the legislative subpoenas - advice that has state legislators furious.

"We have advised people that is an option. And that we think the subpoenas have flaws," he said.

Fairbanks Republican Rep. Jay Ramras, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, charged "there is likely very irresponsible behavior coming from the attorney general." Anchorage Democratic Sen. Bill Wielechowksi, a lawyer who is on the Judiciary Committee, said he is not impressed, either.

"I just can't imagine any attorney advising a client that a subpoena is voluntary," he said.