I really wish everyone would stop calling the people sheep
If you don't know all the data or they keep it hid away
You can't possibly be informed on what's the real play
And if you don't know the recipe that makes it all cook
You just eat what they serve you that day off the hook
That's why I love the boyz in the band
They let you see the hand to make you understand
Even if they like to play they don't take the readers dignity away
After you do do that they don't hear you anyway
You just recruited a thug to put people down
When you call people sheep it just has the same ring
It means they respect you no more than the other side brings
That's not a healthy way to change a mind as a matter of fact it's rather unkind
I never have to beat somebodies brow down to get them to hear a better sound
Who taught people to teach that way no wonder there's so many drop outs today