Karl's singing hard you know
And what he's singing just ain't blow
And he's right there was a checkmate
And now Bush and Cheney have a date
From a dance card marred by their own fate
And Condi won't be throwing rice
Because she was dancing the same vice
But no there won't be WWIII
Because of Mr.P's integrity
I talked to him last summer you know
And he told me not to worry so
I don't because a true leader has the lead
And he suffers hard when the people bleed
But as the mother of the show
He will met the discipline where it needs to go
And if anything happens in the USA
It will be because Bush and Cheney need a get away
But that's not how it's gonna go
Because Mr. P won't let it so
One voice One Love he won't go wrong
Because they are weak and he is strong