This is called Poetic Justice
I personally would have liked to have seen her subject to a stiffer sentence
I don't think one should ever feed the beast no matter what your circumstances
I feel I have the full right to say that to because I lived the part of her subject manner
If you have been bitten by the beast there is no satiation to your hunger until you devour
What you hunger for and that's a well know fact if you have been the prey of the beast
What she was serving is called an appetizer to a pedophile, which also constitutes aiding and abetting, because all she is doing is wetting their hunger for someone else's innocent child,
and that's a boundary you should never cross or ever forget that's there.
You not supposed to feed what lives in the Zoo
I'm glad the Judge made this call and Marybeth had this precedent set
It firmly stated the boundary between right and wrong
Because doing what Karen did was yelling "Fire" in the theater
Sorry for the crap choice of write
But it was there