Friday, August 1, 2008

What a sick fuck world
By the educated that like to prey
For the Illuminate's puppet persuasion
On the marionettes that they play

Stupid fools that use the various tools
For the control of cultures sway
Just Patsy's for the government
Coz their school got bought OK

Little dead heads that got government fed
Now the pablum of retard-ability
So that society looses all emotion
And walks robotic-ally

All hail Hitlers little youth
Their all around you by the score
Little traitor back stabbers
Trying to change the country at it's core

Little feeders of nasty kneaders
Illuminated now as spore
For the worship of the Illuminate
With the devil at it's core

The skank rank of the manipulation tank
Who trade the emotions as commodities
For playwrights and many more
And laser light show oddities
So the Manchurian Is activated score

All bought and paid for by your tax dollars
Little leeches for the core
Just the little sub-tanic ways
For the Illuminate to make a score

But they eat their own
Lori Drew is well known
She played by the very same score
But you don't hear from her much anymore

The Ratz
Ate the cheese eater
Right at her core
Illuminate point made
And Lori choked on the score
So the Illuminate can laugh
Because she was just a whore
Just like Fortuny and oh so many more
Butt fucked acapella
The laughter that you knew so much more
Just juices up their score
And it makes it so much more
Delicious than it was before