Saturday, August 9, 2008

Deep spirit of togetherness
Brought together for One world harmony
Now has the shadow of overcast
From the violence of inhumanity

2000 died the first night
And I'm sure today many more
All for the sake of an aggression play
Like to many we've seen before

And the world cries to be left in peace
This is no product of a people's war
But just an aggression by an insanity
The likes of which the world has seen before

The mother bear will not back down
Her children need her to much more
She'll not let her children just be gunned down
Georgia will now pay for starting this war

One can only hope that Georgia will come to it's senses
And see it's stupidity in the provocation of this way
Her own people know of her aggressive blow
And now know a fear they've never known before