Plumb Island is a Bio safety lab level 3
They study agricultural diseases there
Lyme disease first escaped from there on deer that swam across the water way
Hoof and mouth disease is also studied there
If one animal in the herd tests positive for this disease the whole herd is culled
That means it must be destroyed
The Dept of Homeland security now wants to move this Bio lab to the main land
Possibly to a neighborhood near you.
This is a description of this facility and the strict precautions set up to maintain it
A skilled staff monitors laboratory air handling systems in real-time to maintain bio containment. The laboratory spaces on Plum Island are biologically isolated using a system that draws fresh air in and filters the air before being exhausted from the facility. The inside of the laboratory is kept at a lower air pressure than the ambient air outside (negative air pressure). This ensures that air inside the building does not go out from the facility without first being filtered.
On a more serious note than above
The CDC( Center for Disease Control ) which houses viruses like Ebola, Small Pox, Plague and other hemergeratic deceases uses duct tape because they have leaks around their biocontainment doors.
There is also no individual generator for this building in case of power outage.
I can't possibly imagine why this would not be a more pressing project to fix for
The Department of Homeland Security than the need to spend countless taxpayers dollars
only to move a Bio 3 Agricultural lab within proximity of our livestock food resources.
One only needs to use half a brain to understand that this is a disaster waiting to happen, and indeed I'm sure it will.