She is now obsessed with Death
A fact I find hard to believe
That she could even utter it from her breath
How lost Soul looked
So much more different than before
When she would flit about on her glossamer wings
Never tending to the their core
When she always knew Death would await her
His hand always ready to open the door
Only looking for the price of a thank you
The very thing that she would just ignore
Always looking for that love not to be found
To many men and to much looking around
And there it was to her surprise
Right in front of her very eyes
Her eyes as big as the moon was she
Spilling teardrops of cost for her love of he
And sorrow now her hand to hold
For the price of Soul whose heart was cold
Death has kept his new love
For she treats him kind you see
She holds his hand and loves her man
Not as some problem being
Sag saw Soul in the spirit section
No coiencedence there to see
Prearrainged on a Universal dime
Was very evident to me
No quirk of fate or control from I
Could have made me hit that date with destiny
To be made so aware
That Soul was telling life goodbye
And just for shitz and grins
The Universe winked it's eye
And gave me a large amount of hope
That I can kiss this weeks ass goodbye
Which is a good thing
But back to the Soul's goodbye
Rather than face the loss of Death
She decided to look death in the eye
And Peyton Maning caught the play
With no time to huddle first
And made her cry right then and there
For all that she was worth
To expell the wrong thoughts teaming
To over throw her brain
For the guilt in her was reaming
And boring huge holes in it's frame
A canceritic termite rot
With it's work of never pause
Had clung upon her brain
And death would be it's cause
I held her for a long while
With love and sympathy
And gave her every ounce of love
That she was capabel of recieving
A flood of Spiritual over sight
And her smile came back
And her mood did light
With a Universal kiss
That loved her just right
Given throught the hand of me
Because I was where I was suposed to be