See why I don't want to write you
Why my mind won't let it have it's own say
A thousand other people are in the middle
And I don't do love that way
Because at that point it just becomes a joke
It's not written to intimate you
I don't want to love you on a stage
I want to love you for you
Am I love or am I just business
I know what you said and I smile
But the hide and seek makes me ignore you
Because of the constant change of the style
Yeah I know Peyton didn't need a huddle
But the fact that I have to wade to even cuddle with you
Is a damn down right turn off
And it's one of the reasons why I turned off my brother to
I have an idea of love's perfection
And it doesn't involve a cast and a crew
And when it does it just become a high school romance
Where your friends put in their two cents worth to
Love is hard to keep at a distance
The maintence is hard on a follow through
Especially when it's a four way division
And your never sure who your talking to
Yeah the Goddess thing took it's ping
Now that would be a hard difference between me and you
And I'm not so dumb to think I could over come
And change what I prefer to be my point of view
I wish it was just all about kisses baby
But we both know better than that