I saw the One jab write
No matter on the credit as long it's for what's right
And Dennis Hopper man well he's my favorite star
But the high school days of romance
The children got no profit rights
Another taken from my expression
Though I suppose just like the ville
Tis the breath of air the children inhale
A plus in a sort to over ride the source
Madness or genius of which I'm not sure
For the power is in the point not in the lure
And power is a mighty thing
Check Rups and Buffets bling
Stealth oh yes both gentleman tote
The main difference and what would be wrote
That Rups out for blood and will slit your thoat
Where as Buffet will hold you no bottom line float
Both modern leaders of the day
Defined by their example of what is fair play
But altho the wink, and Constance was cute
And God knows I love my camero OK
In the end the Bad Boys took the loot
And didn't I not work night and day
For narry a crumb
Not even the cost of minimum pay
And again you would as me Sir
Just to trust you that way
Once again I walk the sharp edge of the sword
Only to be kicked dropped
And totally ignore
Out of bounds from the fruit of the play
You wish to squeeze me till I'm dry is that what you say
To twist me and turn me and extract my juice
Then toss out the rind after the zest has been used
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